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Wellness > Mental Health

New Club Spotlight: The Gray Matters Collective

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

The Gray Matters Collective is a student-led mental health resource that is focused on ending student suicide. The national organization was founded in 2018 by Haley DeGreve, an Augustana College alumna. Gray Matters started as a poster campaign to make a statement about the importance of mental health and student suicide prevention. Over the past four years, it has expanded to several local schools, and this semester SAU is launching our own chapter!

Chapter President, Allie Lauer, says that she hopes Gray Matters serves its mission to end student suicide and also end the stigma around mental health.

“Gray Matters is for anyone in the ‘gray area’ who may be struggling,” Lauer said. “It’s for anyone struggling or feeling like they need help.”

Lauer said that she chose to launch Gray Matters because she has seen first-hand how mental health affects people’s lives.

“I know many people who struggle with mental health issues,” Lauer said. “I think it’s important to have a sense of community on campus for people.”

Lauer expressed her willingness to listen and provide support for anyone who needs it.

“I want students to know that you matter as an individual and you belong here,” she said. “The Gray Matters is here to support you and help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

One of the chapter’s student leaders, Sam Sancen, said she believes that she hopes Gray Matters will help students realize that mental health is not just a black and white issue.

“[Gray Matters] is for everyone and everyone, especially those who advocate for mental health issues,” Sancen said. “I want students to know that it’s okay if you don’t know much about mental health issues.”

Both Lauer and Sancen had known about the collective for a while before they decided to take the leap and launch SAU’s chapter. They are both strong advocates for issues surrounding mental health, especially student suicide.

At meetings, members can expect to feel a sense of community with other students through activities and sharing testimonial stories.

“We will have activities that can help people de-stress and build up self-confidence,” Lauer said. “It’s a good place to let the negativity go.”

Lauer also said in the future they are looking to host guest speakers and have suicide prevention trainings.

The club, still in its infancy, is still working out some kinks.

“Getting the approval for the club was really easy,” Sancen said. “But we’ve started to see some conflicts with meeting times and budgets.”

Gray Matters has hosted one meeting with an introduction and activities. Their second will be a yoga class with an instructor, Ayla, who focuses on mental health. The meeting with be held on April 7 at 7pm in Hayes 114N.

You can stay connected with Gray Matters at SAU through their Instagram and GroupMe.

Lydia Trimble is studying Public Relations and Strategic Communication with minors in Marketing and Psychology. Lydia's interests outside of school include food & wine, mixology, and good television. Instagram @lydiatrimble Twitter @lydiatrimble23