Name: Rory Meade
Relationship status: Single
Age: 22
Grade: Senior
Hometown: Oak Lawn, Illinois
Job: Waiter at Chilis
Major & Career Goals: Exercise science with a minor in Biology
I want to get my doctorate in physical therapy.
Favorite holiday: St. Patrick’s day
Dream vacation destination: Spain
Favorite food: Steak
Perfect first date: Walking around downtown Chicago.
Blonde or Brunette?
Brunettes (no offense to blondes, haha)
What is the first thing you notice in a girl?
If she can take a joke and laugh at herself
Sexiest thing a girl can wear: Long stockings haha
Do you like when girls make the first move?
I love when they make the first move.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Confidence is a big thing.  If you see a guy you like, just talk to him. You’d be surprised; he might have been wanting to talk to you too.