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hawaii girl happy biking fun peace
Tessa Pesicka / Her Campus
Wellness > Health

Social Distance Exercising

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Like most people, I have gained some of the “Covid 19” and I’m not too happy about it.. I’m sad to not be getting to hang out with my friends and I’m sad that I’m gaining weight so what do I do? Sit on the couch and eat chips and ice cream. Well that seems counter productive… So I started thinking “Is there a way that I could see my friends and exercise at the same time?” The answer is YES! With the gyms closed, we had to resort to home workouts. But with the weather getting nicer, it’s time to hit the outdoors with these workout ideas that you can do with your friends at the same time!


1. Walk Around the Neighborhood

If you’re looking for a low intensity exercise opportunity, walking is perfect for you. This is great whether you want to continue a daily walk with a gal pal or start a new tradition to enjoy some extra sunshine with your family. I see people with strollers, dogs, kids, you name it, this activity is welcoming to the whole family! 

Tennis Shoes And Water Bottle
Her Campus Media


2. A Run to Your Grandparent’s House for a Cookie

I know the cookie kind of defeats the purpose of the run, but at least it cancels out, right? If you think that is too much of a cheat day then you can skip the cookie part and just do the run, totally your call! But in general, if you are planning on traveling somewhere close by, why not just put on your tennis shoes and run rather than drive? It is finding little opportunities like these that will help shave off a couple pounds here and there!


3. Bike Ride to Your Friends’ Houses

What better way to start your friend’s day than by calling them and saying you’re sitting outside of their house? This might even make their day if you ask if they want to join you. I speak from experience – it worked out to be a really nice afternoon with my friends! This is a way to enjoy something little like a casual bike ride around the area to catch up while getting some fresh air and exercising. The key to good exercise is to have fun while you do it because time really does fly when you’re having fun :)

Celina Timmerman-Girl Hiking Or Taking A Break From Hiking
Celina Timmerman / Her Campus

4. Hit the Trails

This can be with your bike or on foot, but find a park with some trails that are open (if you’re from the QC I recommend Schweibert Park in Rock Island and Eastern Avenue/Duck Creek Park in Davenport). This provides a scenic view while you burn some calories and having good company just makes it all the better!


5. Find Your Nearest Stadium

From my days on the track team, this is a good one if a stadium near you is open and accessible (For my QC pals, Rocky’s Stadium is open I checked today). We would run up and down the steps in the stadium all the way around and back. On top of that, for an additional workout opportunity, you can add an exercise when you reach the top of each set of stairs (pushups, situps, crunches, jumping jacks, planks, burpees, etc). If your stands aren’t super long, do it a few times as multiple sets witha 5 minue break in between to drink some water and recuperate.

silhouette of woman doing yoga pose
Kike Vega

6. Virtual Yoga

My last one isn’t exactly in person with someone. I have a friend who has been teaching weekly yoga sessions over Facebook live and it has been so refreshing to attend his virtual session. You can certainly enjoy this from the comfort of home inside, but I highly recommend a yoga session out on your deck or in the grass, just anywhere you can get some sunshine while you relax into your poses! You can do this with another family member or by yourself, but the nice part is that you and a virtual facebook family are also all doing it together while you watch the session. Namaste!


I hope you find a social distance workout that fits your needs, as well as style, and that it can become at least a weekly part of your routine!

Math Teacher by day, bass player by night and a bee for life <3