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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Over the past 2-3 years back in my hometown, there was a guy who I liked. he was a few years older than me and we had some of the same interest, but our personalities were different, by a lot! Over these years our friendship and “liking” each other went on and off for about a year and a half, before I found my current boyfriend. We will make this a long story short and there’s a lot more than what is being said.

Over this time, we do talk occasionally as friends and catch up via texting, but recently this guy has been more flirty and wanting to date. He started asking me if I like him and what about him I like. As he texted me these questions in the middle of the night, I froze. I looked over at my boyfriend as he sleeps. He has been so loyal and caring to me. I can’t throw this relationship away for some guy who has mixed feelings for me and lives a long distance. After that text, I knew it was time. For me, telling people that I don’t want to be friends anymore is a very hard thing for me to do, but to me, it felt as if this guy was jeopardizing my relationship.

I told my friend that I can’t do this anymore and that I currently don’t like him and never will. I had to tell him goodbye as I was scared of what would happened if this continued. All the great memories of my current relationship flashed before my eyes. I didn’t want that to drift away.

Thinking about it now, I am glad I made the right choice: The choice to prioritize what made me happier and not throwing way the best thing that has ever happened to me. A part of me wishes I done it sooner, but I never thought it’d get to that level…

Hello, I'm Aimee! I'm a small town farm girl who's majoring in Criminal Justice here in the Quad Cities.