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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

6 Ways to Help Improve Your Self-Esteem.

Having a low self-esteem can cause a heavy weight on your life and damage your ability of optimism. Do you ever find yourself comparing your appearance to other women wishing you were pretty just like them? Ever wondered “Why don’t guys look at me, am I not good enough?” It is so important to know your value and continue to uplift yourself, because despite all your insecurities you are beautiful and should never think anything less than that.

Self-esteem is beneficial to life and without it you’d be sabotaging not only yourself but future career opportunities. Self-esteem is simply the confidence in a person’s worth or abilities. You are the judge of your own happiness and shouldn’t let anything get in the way of trying to become a better you.

  1. Stop comparing yourself to others! A lot of times women compare themselves to other women and have a mindset of “How can I be/look better?” But, that is so unhealthy. Focus on yourself, things may appear to look good on the outside, but you don’t know how they feel on the inside. No one is better than the other and you are you for a reason, embrace it.

  2. Write encouraging words about yourself, put them all over your room, and repeat it three times a day. You have been feeling so down lately… maybe you have gained weight, you cannot control your acne, or you just don’t feel pretty anymore, and you don’t know what to do but cry. Turn those negatives into positives “I will lose weight”, “My acne is temporary, and I am beautiful.” By constantly repeating these positive words about yourself, you will start to believe them, and your problems that you had before will dissolve.

  3. Build your confidence. So many of us are so use to staying in spot, because we are comfortable. But in order to grow you must do certain things that scare you. Yes, scare you… fear is just a vulnerability and facing your fears is a powerful achievement. Step out of your shell and go to that event alone or go introduce yourself to that boy you thought was handsome. Having confidence not only helps boost your self-esteem, but it will take you far in life.

  4. Accept Compliments. This may sound easy, but many times ive seen women have trouble with this. For example, a person saying “you look nice today!” and then you respond with “no, i don’t!” This can cause others to avoid giving compliments, because you cannot take their honesty. Not everything someone says to you is them trying to be “mean.” It can be uncomfortable at first, but in order to believe the compliments you have to start accepting it. 

  5. Fix your posture. Slouching your shoulders and looking down can impact you tremendously.  When you stand tall and your head is high, you are more approachable and it shows your confidence. Slouching can make you look uninterested! Body language is important and how you portray yourself in public could make or break you. 

  6. Smile. Fake it until you make it. I get it, everyone will not always be in the mood to smile , but do you want to be that dark cloud and everyone saying you surround them with negative vibes caused by your facial expressions? Practicing smiling even when you are upset can overcome the feeling of sadness and bad energy. It is easier to frown than it is to smile but when you get use to smiling nothing can defeat you. 


We’re always told to have great self-esteem, and to hold our selves to the highest standard possible but were never told how to do so exactly. We live in a time were we aren’t encouraged to feel good about ourselves, and made to question our worth. Lets change the rules and make sure we put ourselves first, we encourage positive self esteem, and know our worth then add tax! I hope these tips help you remember that you are a queen, and to never let your crown fall. 

Hello everyone! I am Arianna Burns and i attend Savannah State University. The best way for me to express myself is through my writings. I love being able to help others and just being a great listening ear.