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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

Pray~ Don’t look at prayer as an obligation but view it as your personal conversation with God. Whenever you feel like you don’t have anyone to talk to, just talk to God.   

Meditate~ Take 5 minutes to gather yourself whenever your emotions start to get the best of you. Go to a quiet place, close your eyes, take deep breaths. You can say positive affirmations or simply let silence calm you.


“Chant” Positive Affirmations~ Repeatedly say “I do not claim this negative energy” & “I can only change the things within my control “ & “The things out of my control, God I give to you”


Me Time~ At least once a week, make time for yourself and cater to your own needs  


Optimism & Kindness~ If you encounter someone being mean, rude, and/or disrespectful, remember not to claim that energy as your own. This means not to lash out right back at them. Instead, discipline yourself to automatically form sympathy for that person and meet their negativity with positivity (they might be having a rough week as well). You can even go a step further to pray for them and you will feel better about yourself for handling the situation with class.


Activity- Engage in a therapeutic activity with friends and/or family to ease your mind and clear your spirit. Nothing is better than being surrounded with positive vibes and enjoying yourself with the people you love.

Aleesa Brantley

Savannah '22

Biology Major Honors study at Savannah State University ??!! Class of ‘22