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8 Things You’re Bound To Hear When You Go Home For Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Going home for the break means gearing up for all the questions your family will throw you way.  While we call it nagging, we forget it’s all because they really do have our best intentions in mind.


1.)  “Did you miss us?”

You’ll probably hear this from just about every member of your family, and in a lot of ways, it’s nice to hear. Despite all the arguments you and yours might have, they wonder if you’ve missed them just as much as they’ve missed you.


2.)  “Are you still single?”

This one’s grandma’s favorite and probably the most embarrassing of any question your family might ask at those drawn-out family dinners.  While making up a fake name for your imaginary significant other might seem like a good option, the truth might be a safer bet.  Even if it seems like your family always brings up your love life, they just want you to be happy.


3.)  “How’re those grades?”

Unless you’ve landed yourself a solid 4.0, it’s likely you’ll be subject to those “How come your GPA isn’t higher?” comments.  Don’t worry though; despite all the nagging commentary, your family is proud of what you’ve accomplished.


4.)  “Haven’t made it to the gym lately, I see.”

Whether it’s said jokingly or not, your family probably loves to comment on the unwanted extra pounds college can throw your way.  We’ve all got our excuses, from “I don’t have time” to “The gym isn’t open late enough,” but the truth is that your family loves you big or small, and they’re just looking out for your health.


5.)  “Have you been saving up?”

In all honesty, college isn’t the kindest to your wallet— but your parents might have a tough time being sympathetic towards your weekend indulging.  From cover charges at the bar to 1 a.m, calls to Dominos, you might spend a little more than you should.  As annoying as it might be that your parents always bring up your spending, they know you might regret it when it comes time to buy those pricey books for classes next semester.


7.)  “Enough with the drunk pictures on Facebook!”

We all have that one aunt who makes it her personal job to let your parents know about each and every tagged picture that makes its way onto your Facebook.  Even if Aunt so-and-so doesn’t add this one to her résumé, it’s likely that it’ll be added to the list of questions your family has stored up for you.  Even if it’s tempting to use the old “I was framed!” line, honesty really is the best policy here.  Your parents are just making sure you’re not setting a bad reputation for yourself, and considering they’ve been through the job selection process before, it might be worth listening to what they have to say.


8.)  “Have you gotten a job yet?”

Let’s face it, a job can be super stressful with all the work we have as college students.  However, it probably seems like your parents are always trying to stress you out by pushing you to either apply for an on-campus job or work more hours.  As much as you might resent this, they’re just making sure you’ve got some extra cash for all the big things you have planned—because, in all honesty, spring break doesn’t come cheap.

Freshman journalism and mass communication major at St. Bonaventure University
A junior at St. Bonaventure University majoring in Journalism/Mass Communications and French. She can always be found with a Dunkin Donuts iced coffee in hand, at the gym attempting to do yoga, or binge watching Grey's Anatomy with Ben&Jerry's. You can follow her on twitter @emilyrosman or on Instagram emilyrosman.