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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

One thing that has bugged me increasingly over the years is people underutilizing one of the last truly free services in the U.S., their public library. I mean, everything you could possibly get there is free! What other organization can you really say that about?

With the rise in popularity of #Booktok and increased youth readership post-pandemic, it seems that everyone is picking up reading as their new favorite hobby. That makes me so happy, as a lifelong bookworm, but the way that some of these new readers go about showing their love of literature is starting to rub me the wrong way.

Reading is about expanding your mind, educating yourself, and connecting with others through stories. But, this new wave of trending readership has turned it into some sort of “retail therapy” competition.

Online, I see book hall after book hall, which would cost hundreds of dollars. They display their collections of books of the hottest trending novel from each month, and bragging about how many books they have rather than what these books actually mean to them. And sure enough, a few months later they’ll be donating, or trashing, the books that have left the trend cycle or are no longer seen as a “good” book by the general public, so it is no longer “good” to them.

I may be biased on this topic, as a longtime library patron and current employee and my local branch, but I think the most valuable possession that anyone, reader or not, can have is a library card.

The cost of everything is rising, and entertainment is no exception. Streaming services are always increasing their annual subscription costs while downgrading the quality of their service. What do you mean I have to sit through 10 minutes of ads for a 25-minute episode? Didn’t I start paying for these streaming services to escape commercial breaks?

Don’t even get me started on the price of new books. I understand that the publishing industry hasn’t exactly been thriving since the dawn of social media and the internet, but am I seriously expected to spend $30 on any new book, hardcover or not? Like, it comes to a point…

Keeping that in mind, I was very surprised to find out that a lot of readers I know prefer to buy the books they read. Furthermore, they like to buy them new! They don’t even know if they like the book yet and they’re buying it? In this economy? I don’t know if they forgot that libraries exist, but they could be saving themselves hundreds, no, thousands of dollars if they rented their books instead.

So, in an attempt to patch my wounded, library-loving heart, I will share how I go about sustainably being a reader.

First off, if I am unfamiliar with the author or the genre, under no circumstances will I buy the book straight out. That is completely financially irresponsible. I will go straight to the library, and if it’s not there, put it on hold or request it from another library in their system. Chances are they will have it. And if they still don’t, let me clue you in on the best service the country can offer you. ANYONE in the country can apply for a New York Public Library card, and it’s almost a guarantee that they will have your book. Just download the E-Library app and sign up for a card.

Next, if I am familiar with the author and like their previous work, I will be more inclined to check a bookstore to purchase a copy. However, I will be stopping at used bookstores first. If you think there isn’t one by you, trust me, there is. You just aren’t looking hard enough. Also, ordering used copies online is pretty easy too, and usually, they are in stellar condition. Thrift stores and antique shops are also good places to check if your book is pretty popular. Especially if you are looking for an old, classic novel, I am almost 100% sure there is a fifty-cent copy of it lying around some dingy used bookstore.

Lastly, if I am halfway through a library book and already adore it, or the author is one of my all-time favorites, I will probably buy it new. Not just because I love the book and want it on my shelf, but because I want to support the author as much as possible.

  • P.S.) When it comes to buying new books, I try to be aware of where I am purchasing them from. I know it is most convenient to just go to a Barnes & Noble or scroll through Amazon, but these are huge corporations that have consistently been in hot water for how they treat their workers, disproportionately hurting authors of color, and overall being money-hungry machines (shocker). So, it is best to look at smaller booksellers first to support local businesses and stand against the monopolization taking shape in the bookseller industry.

PSA! Researching an author and what they stand for before you purchase anything from them is extremely vital to being a true educated reader. Part of the reason I will never read some novels is completely unrelated to the book content, and more so as a reaction to the author themselves. It is important to put your money where your mouth is. If an author is not a good person, I don’t think anyone should be purchasing their books. We have real purchasing power as consumers, so utilize it in an effective way. Again, if you are still super curious about a problematic author’s book, just rent it from your library, don’t buy it.

Finally, supporting your local library is more important than ever.

On March 15, the American Library Association made a statement regarding President Trump’s recent executive order calling for “elimination to the maximum extent consistent with applicable law” of multiple government agencies including the Institution of Museum and Library Studies, which is the primary federal funder of the public libraries in the U.S.

The ALA said, “As seedbeds of literacy and innovation, our nation’s 125,000 public, school, academic, and special libraries deserve more, not less support. Libraries of all types translate 0.003% of the federal budget into programs and services used in more than 1.2 billion in-person patron visits every year, and many more virtual visits.”

Libraries are more than just free access to books and media, they are education and community-building centers. They provide programs for veterans, children’s literacy, employment assistance, financial literacy and so much more.

Simply having the ability to read and form free opinions pertaining to literature and society is inherently political. Corruption and censorship feed on the uneducated, so the easiest way to act against these oppressive policies being put in place is to educate yourself and utilize the resources our public libraries offer us.

Reading is cool and fun and stimulating, but it is also revolutionary. So, be a revolutionary reader and become a library regular.

Jessica Wikander is a second year member of the Her Campus chapter at St. Bonaventure University, and loves to write about topics such as movies, books, music, and so much more. She is also always looking to get more involved in the world of writing, editing and journalism in and outside of school. Jessica is a sophomore at St. Bonaventure University and is a strategic communication and literary publishing & editing double major. Along with Her Campus, she has joined other on campus media outlets such as The Buzz, the campus radio station; and the BonaVenture, the campus newspaper. She also is a part of SBU for Equality and the Jandoli School Women in Communications group. Back home, Jessica works at her local public library where she has grown to love being surrounded by people who shared the same love of books and writing as her. On her own time, Jessica enjoys reading. She is a lover of classic literature, fantasy, and literary fiction. She also loves to crochet and is trying to learn how to knit. A comfort show of hers is New Girl, and is an avid period drama watcher and enthusiast. She is open to any discussions on her favorite pieces of media and is always looking for new recommendations of things to watch or read.