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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

I stare at my dad sitting next to me on the living room couch. He’s giving me another one of his “college talks,” which consisted of why a small liberal arts college only an hour away from our house was the right place for me. With tears streaming down my face, I just couldn’t understand how not going to a big SEC school for college could ever be fun. My dream to be a sorority girl at a big school with Saturday football games wasn’t going to happen and I was crushed.

My college search was never too difficult, I knew where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do. With all my college acceptance letters in my hand, I felt unstoppable; all I dreamed about was finally coming true. Until it wasn’t. 

It took me a while to understand that your average suburban family in Western New York couldn’t keep up with the extravagant prices of a southern SEC school. Upon this realization, I was mad. Mad that I got wooed into a school I was unable to attend, and mad that I got my hopes up just to be crushed and extremely disappointed. I didn’t even want to go to college anymore because I felt as if there was no other school for me. This heartbreaking change of events led me to tour a school much closer to home. 

While walking around the campus, hearing about all the wonderful things the school has to offer, it was undoubtable that I was at a beautiful place. As much as I didn’t want to, I felt comfortable on the campus immediately. It had a sense of beauty, similar to the school I fell in love with down south. But it still wasn’t that school down south. 

Still in denial that I would have to give up my SEC dream, I let college decision day approach faster and faster. This led me to the living room couch with my dad. I knew I had to decide on a college to attend and as much as I didn’t want to admit it, my dad usually knows best. Maybe it was because him and my mom had both attended this school, or maybe it was because he truly knew this would be the right place for me (we may never know the real reason), but he couldn’t give up the argument that this small liberal arts college I recently toured was the place I needed to go.

As I sit here in my room at that small liberal arts college only an hour away from my house, I realize that he was right. This is the place I am meant to be. Even if I don’t always understand it, I know that everything happens for a reason. I was meant to be here at St. Bonaventure. The community at this school is incomparable and I am proud to be a part of the Bonnie family. 

You know what they say; fathers know best. 

Ella Steinwandel is a new Her Campus chapter member at St. Bonaventure University. Ella is excited to write about self-care, trends, lifestyle, beauty, and friendships! She can't wait to put her passion for writing to use and meet all of the other writers and girls in this chapter! Ella is currently a freshman majoring in marketing with hopes to work in the beauty marketing field after her years at St. Bonaventure. She loves to be involved in everything going on at her school. In addition to Her Campus, Ella is a member of the Power Yoga Club, SBU@SPCA, and the Dance Team. She is also very eager and excited to discover more clubs and organizations on campus! In her free time, you can most likely find Ella journaling, watching a new series on Netflix, listening to all kinds of music, and hanging out with her friends. Her friends and family are the most important to her, as she will eagerly talk about them at any chance she can! Ella loves to travel and explore new places and she loves to be outside and active, discovering new things, especially on the new campus she calls home, St. Bonaventure!