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Sydney White / Amanda Bynes
Sydney White / Amanda Bynes
Universal Pictures

I Can Be Spontaneous!

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

I’ve never been one to make last minute decisions. I love having a plan and there’s little I do without the use of my Google Calendar.

This is something I’ve wanted to work on for years. I want to become someone who does not need a to-do list to know what to do.

The New Phone

Two weeks ago, I made the spontaneous decision of buying a new phone. Let me just say, this was something I have been mulling over for years, but I finally made the purchase on a Friday evening.

For me, it’s a sign of my growing independence. I did not have to ask my parents if I could have a new phone–I just bought it for myself.

I’m finally an iPhone user after a few years of a Samsung and five years of a flip phone. Let me just say, it’s been an adjustment but a needed change!

I wanted this phone to take better photos with. As one of the communications interns for Mt. Irenaeus, I often felt like my previous phone’s camera quality was not good enough to post on the Mountain Instagram.

I wanted to step up my game! I have loved taking more pictures and knowing that I can share them with friends without the warning of “oh, they’re kind of grainy. I wish we would have used your phone instead”.

I haven’t used most of the Apple features yet, like Facetiming a friend or journaling my entire life in my Notes app, but I can see it starting to happen.

The Piercing and Tattoo

Yup, you read that correctly! I FINALLY have my first tattoo!

It all started because Her Campus co-president Claire Fisher asked me if I would like to get a piercing with her at Skin Deep in Olean because they have $20 Tuesdays. I was a little hesitant and wasn’t sure what to get. For a while I have wanted to get a nostril stud to complement my septum ring, but at the last minute, I booked an appointment to get a conch piercing.

Never in a million years would I have thought I would have a conch piercing. I grew up as someone who did not have any piercings except for my first earlobe holes that were pierced after I made my first Communion (technically, they were actually pierced when I graduated kindergarten, but five-year-old Alexis did not put up with having her ears touched after they healed, and consequently, the holes closed).

So far, the conch piercing only hurts when I forget about it and brush my hands through my hair. I can’t wear my right Airpod or sleep on my right side temporarily, but I think it’ll be worth it in the end. I cannot wait to switch my gorgeous stud with gold highlights out for a ring in four months, but until then, I’ll be rocking the stud look.

Now, here comes the more exciting (in my opinion) part of this. I went to Eclectic Tattoo, again in Olean, and as soon as I walked in, the artist took care of me. He assured me and Claire that we would be out of the shop in time for class. Yes, Claire and I did this between classes, and we still made it back in time!

The artist worked to make sure my little rainbow was exactly the size and shape I wanted, and he got to work prepping me for the experience. He was efficient and understood that I was both nervous and so incredibly ecstatic.

I ended up with a three-line black and white rainbow tattoo, inspired by SBU grad Casey Beiter. As soon as I saw her tattoo a few months back, I knew it was the style I wanted.

All of these experiences have shown how independent I have become and how much work I have put into creating the person I love being. I am living in the moment and making the best of my last year as a teen.

I want to have more of an openness to living life without penciling it in to my G-Cal. I can be spontaneous and, frankly, I love having a little bit of spontaneity in every day.

Alexis Serio is a shadow to the editors of the St. Bonaventure Her Campus chapter. She is gaining the skills to edit and critique her HC sisters’ articles, as well as growing in her own writing abilities. Alexis is looking forward to becoming more involved with HC and refining her skills. Alexis is a sophomore studying Communication, Social Justice & Advocacy and Spanish with a concentration in theology. Aside from Her Campus, Alexis serves as the service and community outreach officer for Jandoli Women in Communication. She also works for the Franciscan Center for Social Concern and Mt. Irenaeus as an assistant and as a communications intern, respectively. In her free time, Alexis enjoys reading and listening to music with friends. She is always open to listening to a new artist, but her current favorite is Noah Kahn. Alexis loves to go on chatty walks and explore new places!