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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I have been seeing one specific song go viral on Tik Tok. This song is called “End of Beginning” by Djo.

There have been so many people all over my for you page participating in this trend and posting videos or a picture slideshow of a place that makes them feel happy. The point of this trend I would say is to show off things and places that you love the most. Even though I already hopped on this trend on Tik Tok, I am going to name some places that I personally love and explain why:

Acadia Maine

Back when I was in middle school my mom and I one summer decided to take a quick road trip to Maine. At first I thought myself, “what is there to do in Maine?”. Let’s just say it is one of my favorite places I have traveled to so far. I remember going to Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. Being along the ocean felt so amazing and was truly a breath of fresh air. One morning we decided to visit Acadia because this is the first point in the US where you can see the sun rise every morning. We woke up at 3 a.m. and drove to the park, up these steep and curvy mountains until finally reaching the top. There were so many people there you would’ve thought they were giving away money at that rate. We found the perfect spot to sit at the top of the mountain and waited for the sun to start rising. This was hands down the most beautiful thing I have experienced yet. The sun peaked out of the clouds and was the perfect shade of yellow and orange. The beauty that surrounds Acadia is so breath taking. From the mountings, to the ocean, to the pine trees, and light houses everything looks picture perfect and I can’t wait to go back.

My Dance Studio

My dance studio back at home holds a very special place in my heart. I basically grew up here. Almost everyday I went to the studio and I never once hated it. Being in a place with people who share a common love/interest is so special. Ever since I was three years old until I moved away for college I have met so many people through dance who I learned so much from. I learned how to express myself in a way that some may struggle with. Whenever I had a bad day at school, I would look forward to going to dance because all the negatives would just disappear. Dance is truly my passion and I couldn’t imagine my life without it.

The Beach

The beach is a favorite place of mine. I grew up near the beach and it was really great. Although I did not grow up on the coast of an ocean, I grew up right down the street from Lake Erie. Waking up on summer mornings and hearing seagulls fly by and the sounds of jet skis skimming the water was pretty therapeutic. I love being able to just walked down the street and then I am on the shore. Going to the beach no matter what time of day and just sitting and watching the waves brush up on the shore is the key to my heart. Growing up I would say that I did not appreciate this as much as I do now. The beach no matter if it’s Lake Erie or Clearwater, Florida I will always appreciate it because it makes me feel like I’m home.

Disney World

Where do I even start? Disney literally is the most magical place on Earth. Every little thing there from the food, the music, the rides, the scenery is so special. I am lucky to say that I have been able to visit Disney a few times now. More so when I was a little girl, but I actually just went down during December. Every time I have been there the experience seems so unreal. The amount of details that are there really makes you feel like you’re in a Disney movie. When in Disney I feel like a completely different person. I feel so happy and grateful and I don’t seem to worry about any of the negatives. This can seem to be a good and bad thing because it’s so nice to not have anything to worry about, but unfortunately we all know that is not real life.

Amanda Ippolito is a member of the St. Bonaventure Her Campus chapter. She is responsible for writing at least one article each week. Amanda was a even a part of the printed magazine of HC at SBU. She is very excited to see what this year will bring and to continue sharing her writing! Amanda is a current junior studying early/childhood education, with hopes of becoming an elementary school teacher. Along with Her Campus she is also involved with the SBU Dance Team, Student Government Association, College Democrats, and The Bonaventure Education Association. During her free time Amanda loves to go thrifting, attend concerts, cook, and go on walks with her dog Bella. In any of her playlists you are guaranteed to find some songs by Fleetwood Mac, Drake, and even Deftones. A fun fact about Amanda is that she will put hot sauce on basically anything.