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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

I have found that finding the motivation to do things in college is hard. There is no one to tell you to go to class, do your homework, go to your extracurriculars or clean your room. You must make yourself do all of those things which can be hard at times. 

When given the choice to either clean my room or scroll on TikTok, scrolling on TikTok is the more appealing choice, even though I will regret it later when my room is still a mess. Even though it is hard to find the motivation to do stuff sometimes, I still get everything I need to do done. 

I am a political science major, which is still a male-dominated field even though women have made progress. I have been told before that I should have picked a field better suited for women. I told myself that I would prove everyone who said I would not make it in politics wrong.

This is where I get my motivation to get stuff done. Every time I am tempted to lay in bed and skip class, I tell myself I need to go so that I do not miss anything important that could be useful for a future job.

Every time I want to skip out on a club meeting, I tell myself that it looks good on a resume and could be the thing that gets me the job I want instead of another candidate. Or I might make a connection with someone that could be useful one day. 

I push myself to do everything I can and to do everything the best that I can so that one day, all my hard work will pay off. This works for me for most things. Cleaning my room does not fall into this-I wish it did lol-but I find other ways to motivate myself for things like this.

If I clean my room, then after I will go get myself a sweet treat somewhere, which motivates me to clean, because who would turn down a sweet treat? Not me, that is for sure. 

Now this way of motivation is not going to work for everybody, and that is perfectly fine. Everyone is different so it makes sense that the way you find motivation to get stuff done is different than my way or a friend’s way. All that matters is that you find a way to motivate yourself, so you do what you need to. 

There is also nothing wrong with struggling at first to find what motivates you. College is all about learning. The journey to find what motivates is not the important part, just get your stuff done and go to your extracurriculars and you will be golden. You should also clean your room!

Stephanie is a new member of St. Bonaventure's Her Campus. She plans to write about politics, music, pop culture, college and life in general. Stephanie is a senior political science major and a communication minor. She is also the SBU College Democrats Student Government Representative, Vice President of the SBU Fitness Club, and a member of the SBU Dance Team. In her free time, Stephanie likes to hang with her friends, watch The West Wing, listen to her favorite artists which include Niall Horan, Taylor Swift, and Isak Danielson, and walk with her mom and dog. Stephanie can frequently be found with an Iced Matcha Latte in her hand.