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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

This weekend is the start of our mid-term break here at St. Bonaventure. Let me tell you that this break is much needed.

I am excited to be home and get away from loads of homework and stress for a few days. Honestly, it might be the direct resolution to finish the semester off strong. Although I will be spending time with my friends and family back at home, I also made a simple bucket list of things I want to complete over this break.

Catching Up On Sleep

Now this may be obvious but catching up on sleep is decently a must over mid-term break. Between waking up early for class and staying up late working on homework I definitely have lost a lot. I think being at home and enjoying my own bed will also play a big role in getting better sleep. Something about just being in your room at home is so much different than sleeping in your dorm or apartment bedroom here on campus.

Carve Pumpkins

Tis’ the season of pumpkin carving! October is finally here and I want to be that basic white girl and live out my fall fantasies. I love pumpkin spice season, wearing my Uggs and, honestly, just enjoying the crisp weather. In addition to this, pumpkin carving is essential for the fall season. I can’t wait to see my best friend from home and carve some pumpkins or even maybe paint them. It is a fun way to relive our childhood or even just be creative and have a good time with each other.  

Apple Picking

About 10 minutes from my house there is a beautiful apple orchard filled with a variety of apple trees. This orchard has always been my favorite because it’s the perfect way to find delicious apples. My mom and I love to pick fruits during the summer and fall seasons. Apples are a fall favorite, especially to use for baking afterwards.

Fall Fest

Every year my family and I go to Fall Fest in Ellicotville, NY. Now this is one of my favorite fall activities because the vibes are elite. I love to admire the scenery in this cute rural town. For those who don’t know what Fall Fest is, it’s basically a huge craft show with small business vendors, local shops and fall foods such as caramel apples, kettle corn and cider filling the streets. The town itself is mainly known for skiing and snowboarding. From the festival, you can see all of the ski slopes, and it is truly so beautiful when all of the leaves are changing colors. This festival gives the best cozy, fall aesthetic and is the best activity to do over break!


Now, throughout the year I love to bake and cook new foods. Fall time especially is the perfect time to do so because the weather is becoming colder and sometimes you just want to make something delicious to eat. Some fall foods that I like to cook or bake the most are pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting, pumpkin pie, apple crisp and good ol’ crockpot meals.

Cider Mill

Last but not least I love taking an annual trip to the cider mill. The cider mill I like to visit is the Mayer Bros Cider Mill in West Seneca, NY. The shop itself may seem tiny, but I like to visit if I am in the area because they have the best donuts and apple cider slushees. Now, they have other trinkets and goodies too such as fresh cider that they make right there, pies, maple candies and fresh cheeses too. It may not seem all that elaborate but I think it’s another great way to enjoy the fall season.

Amanda Ippolito is a member of the St. Bonaventure Her Campus chapter. She is responsible for writing at least one article each week. Amanda was a even a part of the printed magazine of HC at SBU. She is very excited to see what this year will bring and to continue sharing her writing! Amanda is a current junior studying early/childhood education, with hopes of becoming an elementary school teacher. Along with Her Campus she is also involved with the SBU Dance Team, Student Government Association, College Democrats, and The Bonaventure Education Association. During her free time Amanda loves to go thrifting, attend concerts, cook, and go on walks with her dog Bella. In any of her playlists you are guaranteed to find some songs by Fleetwood Mac, Drake, and even Deftones. A fun fact about Amanda is that she will put hot sauce on basically anything.