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“No matter where life takes me, find me with a smile” 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

“No matter where life takes me, find me with a smile” 

Not only is this a quote from my favorite Mac Miller song, “Best Day Ever,” but also my high school yearbook quote. Ever since elementary school, I had been thinking about what quote I would use to represent my high school experience.  

I knew that it had to be something with a positive message, but also something lighthearted and not too philosophical. I didn’t want to seem like I was trying too hard, but at the same time, I didn’t want to use a cheesy joke to represent myself as a person. 

Like many people, I find that sometimes music can put my thoughts into words better than I could have imagined. I find it beautiful that a certain song can open up my mind to a whole new way of thinking. In times when others can’t help me feel seen or heard, music can.  

At some point during high school, I discovered Mac Miller and explored his discography. Unexpectedly, I found that I could relate to many of his songs on a deeper level than any other musical artists. It became clear to me by the beginning of senior year that choosing a Mac Miller quote to represent myself was a no brainer. 

This wasn’t necessarily an easy task, since I placed so much emphasis on myself to choose the perfect quote. Listening to many songs, I realized that his song, “Best Day Ever,” spoke to me the most. As difficult as it can be, I always put in the effort to have a positive outlook on life. To me, this song truly captures that idea of bringing a positive vibe to any situation. 

Throughout my senior year, I listened to this song whenever I was feeling down about myself, using it as a reminder that it was up to myself to make every day my “best day ever.” It’s up to me to bring about positivity into my own life. There’s no point in wasting time searching for happiness and motivation in other people, when I should really just focus on finding it within myself.  

So, I decided on my yearbook quote: “No matter where life takes me, find me with a smile.” To this day, I can’t think of a better quote to sum up myself. No matter what situation I’m in, what I go through, or where I am, I’ll be smiling. There are many things in life that are out of my control, but no matter what, I will always be able to smile. That means something to me.  

Adria Hoadley is a second-year student at St. Bonaventure University from Union Springs, New York. She is excited to be a new member of the St. Bonaventure University Her Campus chapter and looks forward to the new experiences it will bring! Passionate about mental health, societal issues, and womanhood; she plans to express these ideas in her writing. As a psychology major, Adria enjoys learning new things and exploring ideas that may be foreign to her. After graduating with her undergraduate degree from SBU, she hopes to go on and get her master’s degree in school counseling, while also having her own therapy patients. Outside of academics, Adria participates in Silver Wolves, a program at St. Bonaventure that connects students to elderly residents in the local area, along with any other volunteer opportunities that may come up. In her free time, Adria enjoys spending time with friends, trying new restaurants, going on walks while listening to music, and online shopping. Since a young age, Adria has enjoyed reading. Adria loves sharing her voice and is excited to be able to do that through writing. She looks forward to joining the sisterhood of Her Campus and sharing her thoughts and ideas!