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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

“It’s just Kayla without the K” is how I explain the pronunciation of my name to people.

Since my last name starts with a “B” I tend to be at the top of the list in classes. The seconds of pause when a teacher looks at the attendance sheet and follows with “sorry if I pronounce any names wrong.” I know it’s my small four-letter name that stumps everyone.

However, I do not mind when people mispronounce my name. It is not frustrating to me, even though it happens every time I meet someone new. It doesn’t bother me as much as people think it does.

It actually helps to remind me how special my name is.

I was the only Ayla in my whole school. I have never met another Ayla in my life. My name was unique. I was unique.

I love different names. Whether it is the spelling of the name or the rarity. I keep a list of names on my notes app that express the creativity of my mind compiling letters together into a beautiful structure.

I love names in general. Have you ever asked your friends, “if I wasn’t an Ayla, what would my name be?” Most go to say, “You just look like an Ayla, I can’t see you as anything else.” That is because your name is already associated with you. It is precious. Your personality starts to reflect in your name. You start to own your name.

Your name is the first form of identification. Sure, you have some features that stick out as a baby, like a birthmark, eye color, or color of your small cheeks, but your name is what separates you from every other baby.

Names are so important. All names should be valued and appreciated. They all capture a sense of you and your family.

Names are so beautiful because they are created by your loved ones. They connect you back to your great grandma or your mom’s favorite flower. They can mean peace, love, or beauty in another language. Or have a meaning that wasn’t intended at the start and was figured out as you started to search. For me, it’s finding the hidden meaning of my name that means of moonlight or halo of light around the moon. It reminds you of where you came from.  

So even when people pause when they look at my name or spell “Ala” or “Alya” on my Starbucks cup; I don’t get confused on why my parents chose a “difficult” name (although I was disappointed as a child when my name wasn’t on a souvenir). I appreciate the beauty of my unique name. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Ayla Batz is from Rochester NY and is a new member on the St. Bonaventure Her Campus chapter. Ayla is thrilled to write about fashion, self-care, advice, TV shows, brands, the arts and just life in general! She has always been interested in creative writing and can’t wait to meet all the other talented girls in this chapter. Ayla is a freshman majoring in Strategic Communication and has a plan to minor in Marketing. She has experience in social media, photography, and product design due to her business that she owns and advertises. She created daily content whether it was try-ons of the product or stop motions of the jewelry process. Her clay jewelry business, AMae's Clays, is what led her on the path of studying communications. She is also involved on campus with the SBU Dance Team and wants to be a part of the yoga club, art club, and the social media team for the school newspaper, Bona Venture. In her free time, Ayla likes to hang out with friends and family, make crafts, play games, listen to music and explore nature. Ayla is excited to get out into the world and travel. The top places on her bucket list are Greece, Costa Rica, and Italy!