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One Piece of Jewelry I Think Absolutely Everyone Should Have

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

In my family, while big milestone birthdays like tens, sixteens, and eighteens are all important and certainly celebrated, it’s nowhere close to the biggest birthday in my family.

My family has one special year that we all love so much. It was my favorite birthday of all time. We cherish thirteenth birthdays. While we love them all regardless, my thirteenth birthday was extra special as it was my golden birthday (because my birthday is on January 13th).

I was fortunate enough to have a party at our local bowling alley because for a small town winter birthday, you have two options: bowling or sledding. Loads of my friends and family came and brought me presents that were all so sweet.

While I was opening all of my very thoughtful gifts which included lots of nail polish sets and necklace making kits, I came across a small gift wrapped in brown paper with ribbons that smelled like herbs. I knew it was from my Aunt Peggy. I opened it carefully to reveal a charm bracelet with a few charms on it already: a number 13, a little ballerina, and a paintbrush. I loved it so much that I put it on right that minute.

For the next few years, members from both sides of my family would get me charms to fill up my bracelet. Whenever I would feel discouraged or a little lost, I would trace my life up till now through the charms on my bracelet. Charms for every hobby, every family member, even every year that passed by.

When I ran out of room on my old charm bracelet, my mom bought me the more mature, older cousin of the OG charm bracelet: the Pandora bracelet.

It felt odd to wear at first as it was so empty compared to my first charm bracelet, but I knew soon it would begin to fill up. My charms are beginning to get sillier and sillier as time progresses and I love it. Currently, on my bracelet, I have a four-leaf clover, two different camera charms, a bunny from my friend all the way in England, and a baby Yoda, because my dad and I love The Mandalorian.

With Christmas coming up, I am so excited to spot the tiny little wrapped boxes under the tree to see what aspects of who I am are going to make it onto my bracelet this year for me to look back on years in the future.

I think charm bracelets are time capsules that we can wear around and keep close to us all the time. They are so unique that I hope everyone gets to have at least one in their lifetime.

Leah McElheny is a new Her Campus at SBU chapter member who plans to write about literature, movies, TV shows, and most things pop culture. Outside of Her Campus, Leah is a junior at St. Bonaventure University and is currently double majoring in Adolescent Education with an English concentration and English. She has worked with multiple school districts in the area tutoring and substitute teaching for middle school and elementary school. She currently works for the university as a writing tutor and a peer coach to a group of freshmen. In her free time, Leah enjoys dancing for the SBU dance team, reading, and watching movies. Her favorite books are "The Similars" and "The Pretenders", both by Rebecca Hanover. Her biggest personality trait is loving Harry Potter and she prides herself on being incredibly mediocre at all forms of trivia, other than Harry Potter trivia of course.