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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

The five known love languages:

1.Words of Affirmation

Those loveable compliments. Your personality, looks and mind being appreciated. These people love to be told they are beautiful, that their smile shines and their laughter is contagious.  

2.Quality time

Being present is simply enough for these people. They strive for comfort through company. They like fun too, playing games, maybe some dates of shopping or just relaxing. It is not what you are doing, it is who you are doing it with.

3.Physical touch

The warmth of your skin is comforting. It is the idea that you are not only close in your relationship but physically too. Hugs and cuddles are treasured.

4.Acts of Service

When they do a helpful task without being asked. Things like cleaning the house or a small little chore are valued to them. They remember the things you do when they are not feeling well or not in the mood.

5.Recieving gifts

The vase of flowers or a beautiful piece of jewelry given unexpectedly will brighten their hearts. They feel appreciated and notice when you remember their favorite foods and gifts.

For me, nothing will beat a deep conversation or the relaxing time before bed that I spend with my friends or family. My love language is quality time. However, I know balance. I have been surrounded by all these kinds of love. I like to learn about what other people’s love languages are, so I can give them what they need to feel appreciated.

While I prefer one of the languages over the other, does not mean I can’t speak all.

Love is intricate; and I am not just talking about love romantically, because I have yet to experience that and in fact do not know about it. I am talking about the love I feel with my friends and family.

Each person is different, which is why you must learn how they express love before getting too deep into the relationship. If you never realize their preferred language, then understanding them is going to be difficult.

I also strongly believe that there are more than just these five; there are some more personal and unique to individuals. One thing about me is that I like connecting through music and hobbies, which can be looked at as an extension of quality time. If you tell me about your favorite artist, it is likely that I will add their songs to my playlist. It is one of those unique things I do to show that I am listening to you. I have listened to Taylor Swift’s “Tortured Poets Department” album, Sza’s “SOS Deluxe” album, and many songs by David Kushner who is now one of my favorite artists. I also love to pick up the hobbies my loved ones like. I want to do these things with them.

The thing about love languages is there is no right answer.

Each relationship contains their own, unique, variety of love languages. It is how our love is conveyed. So just because my brother, Logan, and I high five extremely loudly before I leave for college instead of hugging does not mean he does not care for me. And just because my friends and I do not compliment each other every day, does not mean we do not realize how amazing our relationship is.

Ayla Batz is from Rochester NY and is a new member on the St. Bonaventure Her Campus chapter. Ayla is thrilled to write about fashion, self-care, advice, TV shows, brands, the arts and just life in general! She has always been interested in creative writing and can’t wait to meet all the other talented girls in this chapter. Ayla is a freshman majoring in Strategic Communication and has a plan to minor in Marketing. She has experience in social media, photography, and product design due to her business that she owns and advertises. She created daily content whether it was try-ons of the product or stop motions of the jewelry process. Her clay jewelry business, AMae's Clays, is what led her on the path of studying communications. She is also involved on campus with the SBU Dance Team and wants to be a part of the yoga club, art club, and the social media team for the school newspaper, Bona Venture. In her free time, Ayla likes to hang out with friends and family, make crafts, play games, listen to music and explore nature. Ayla is excited to get out into the world and travel. The top places on her bucket list are Greece, Costa Rica, and Italy!