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Tessa Pesicka / Her Campus

Why Costa Rica Should be on Your Travel Bucket List

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Costa Rica has been a place I wanted to visit ever since I learned about it in my junior year Spanish class. Something about its beautiful nature, majestic waterfalls, and thriving culture pulls me in.

Today, I will be digging deep into what makes Costa Rica special and why it is so high on my bucket list.

My Favorite Influencer

Lexi Hidalgo, one of my favorite influencers, goes there all the time. I am so inspired by her because of her uplighting presence on social media. She advocates for mental health awareness and cares deeply about the environment. She finds peace in Costa Rica quoting “If heaven was a place on earth.”

The Beauty of Nature

Volcanoes, beaches, jungles, you name it. You can truly immerse yourself in nature. Some spots I pinned (Tip: Pinterest is the best for travel research, I went to Roam and Thrive to get all the insight for Costa Rica) are the La Fortuna waterfall, Tabacon Hot Springs and Venado Caves. All are known for extraordinary views. Zip-lining and white-water rafting are also great ways to swing in the trees and dive deep in the waters. I will always be a person to admire the views and landscapes of a new place, so this tropical area is perfect for me.


Monarch butterflies, my favorite, fly all around and often land on you. This allows for not only great pictures, but also an enlightening experience. How beautiful it is to be surrounded by such beautiful insects. You can walk specific trails where sloths live. Other animals can be found here too like monkeys and toucans. It is amazing how we share this world with so many different creatures.

A Bite to Eat

While I already know the taste of passionfruit, star fruit, and guava, there are also some new tropical fruits that would be interesting to try. Mamon Chino or Rambutan is a fuzzy looking fruit that when the skin is peeled away, has a sweet taste on the inside. There is also Guanabana or Soursop that Todd Sarauhan compares to ice cream for its rich and sweet flavor. On to a more traditional dish, tamales! I have never had a tamale before, but I always love trying foods when I travel to some place new. A tamale is masa (corn dough) amongst other fillings that is wrapped in a banana leaf.

Traditions and Culture

Costa Rica has a wonderful sense of community. They live a Pura Vida lifestyle, always happy and cheerful. This may be because of the frequency of music and dance. Caribbean music is extremely popular. They also have some traditional dances for celebrations; the graceful swing criollo which shows a story of love and celebration. One the other hand is folkloric punto Guanacaste, which is an iconic dance that emphasizes lively steps (Costa Rican Vacations). I will enjoy watching these dances if I ever make my way to Costa Rica.

I can’t wait to travel to this gorgeous place one day!

Ayla Batz is from Rochester NY and is a new member on the St. Bonaventure Her Campus chapter. Ayla is thrilled to write about fashion, self-care, advice, TV shows, brands, the arts and just life in general! She has always been interested in creative writing and can’t wait to meet all the other talented girls in this chapter. Ayla is a freshman majoring in Strategic Communication and has a plan to minor in Marketing. She has experience in social media, photography, and product design due to her business that she owns and advertises. She created daily content whether it was try-ons of the product or stop motions of the jewelry process. Her clay jewelry business, AMae's Clays, is what led her on the path of studying communications. She is also involved on campus with the SBU Dance Team and wants to be a part of the yoga club, art club, and the social media team for the school newspaper, Bona Venture. In her free time, Ayla likes to hang out with friends and family, make crafts, play games, listen to music and explore nature. Ayla is excited to get out into the world and travel. The top places on her bucket list are Greece, Costa Rica, and Italy!