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Things To Remember During Finals Week

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

While in the midst of finals week, it’s hard to remember to take care of yourself and your well being. It can be hard to prioritize your mental health doing such a stressful time. Here are three things that are important to remember during finals:

You are not your Gpa

Getting a bad grade that you didn’t expect, especially at the end of the semester, can be disappointing. It’s important to remember that although your grades matter, you matter more. Bad grades creep up on us, sometimes even when we prepare immensely, but there’s always more time for improvement. Keep trying for the grades you want and never give up.

sleep, sleep, sleep

You cannot perform well on little sleep, so make sure that even if you think you need to pull an all-nighter just to study, it’s not necessary. Without a full nights sleep before an important exam, not only will feel miserable, but you can risk failing miserably. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep and a healthy meal in the morning to feed and prepare your mind for success.

Make time for yourself

Leave a little time in your day after grinding out some work at the library to prioritize a little bit of “me time.” Whether that be going to the gym, doing a face mask, meditating, talking with a friend, taking a walk on the trail, or whatever it is, save some time for yourself. You’ll thank yourself later. 

Finals week is stressful, but take care of yourself and you will do amazing.

Faith Pucci is a junior at St. Bonaventure University. She is from Brookfield, Connecticut and is super excited to enter her second year on the Her Campus team! Besides Her Campus at SBU, Faith is an adolescent education major with a concentration in mathematics and is also a part of SBU Dance Team. She has enjoyed writing since she was young and feels that Her Campus is a great escape from life and gives her the opportunity to express how she feels to the world. When she's not doing school-related activities, Faith loves crocheting, hanging out with friends, and listening to music. A little fun fact about her is that she loves to cook and tried out for Chopped Jr. when she was 12.