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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

September is a month filled with lots of exciting things: back to school, the beginning of football season, the start of fall and much more. This month is jam-packed and, amid that joy and excitement, the importance of September at its core can vanish. 

September represents Suicide Prevention Month and Septeber 10th is World Sucide Prevetion Day. 

Its vital to recognize this as a time to remember all the lives that have been lost to suicide, the billions of individuals who struggle with suicide ideation and all of those who have been impacted by suicide in any shape or form. 

One way individuals here at St. Bonaventure University can take time to recognize Suicide Awareness Month is by participating in campus events that promote mental health. Specifically, The Walk to Fight Suicide. This is an off-campus event but still local to Olean. I highly recommend everyone to attend.

My friends and I have participated in this event our past two years on campus and I can tell anyone it was truly impactful to all individuals who attended. It not only raises awareness but also brings the entire community together in solidarity for a meaningful cause.

In my article, I want to stress the importance of mental health awareness. Mental health is a crucial aspect of one’s well-being. I want to recognize that mental health is not linear. Just like our physical health, mental health can fluctuate throughout our lives leading individuals to experience both highs and lows. Everyone experiences both.

From personal experience, mental health is not something to be ashamed of. Mental health is important and something everyone has in life.

Often mental health can become isolating, so it’s important to find someone to talk to, whoever that may be for you. 

Promoting open conversations about mental well-being can make all the difference to an individual.No one is ever alone, let them know that. 

Now before I wrap this up, here are some mental health reminders: 

  • Taking care of your mental health is important
  • You are worthy 
  • Mental health is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength 
  • You matter 
  • It’s okay not to be okay all the time 
  • Feel so you can heal 
  • Be kind to your mind 
  • You are not alone 

To all who are reading, if you take in one thing from my article please let it be that tomorrow needs you!

Cassidy is a social media executive for Her Campus at St. Bonaventure University. She loves to use her creative outlet to advance her university's chapter. She has been writing for Her Campus for three years. Cassidy is a fourth-year student studying psychology with a minor in women's studies. Beyond Her Campus, she is involved in other extracurriculars such as L.I.F.T., Active Minds, and volunteering in the food pantry. She is the president of SBU for Equality. You may find her working in the admissions building as a student ambassador. She is an avid Pinterest user and will bring up how it is the best social media to exist. Her love for music keeps her going, nothing Taylor Swift can't help her with.