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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Recently, a lot of changes have happened in my life. One of the biggest changes I had to endure was losing my best friend and not being able to see him for the next two months. It was one of the hardest things I had to deal with. So, having to deal with that and making sure I kept on top of my schoolwork caused me a lot of stress and anxiety to the point I started to cry, but then I remembered the diverse ways I can help myself calm down.  

  1. Journaling 

Writing my feelings down in a journal is one of the best things that helps me calm down. What I would do is put down the date at the top of the page in my journal and I would start to write. No matter if I had a good day or a bad one, I would always open my book and write about it. Depending on how I am feeling, I have written at least one and a half to two pages. Afterward, I would feel as if a weight were lifted off my shoulders. Journaling is also a terrific way to look back and reflect on those bad moments and realize how much stronger you became after enduring that low moment in your life. 

  1. Reading  

Another thing I like to do when I start to feel stressed is read. You can read an actual book or read it on your phone. One way is just as efficient as the other. The reason reading is one of the best ways to take your mind off everything that is going on is because it lets your imagination take you to another world that is not your own. One of the books I have been reading lately is Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods. It is the newest addition to the Percy Jackson collection that Rick Riordan released in stores this year. Since I have been a fan of his work ever since I was younger, I knew I had to start reading the book as soon as I could. If you are feeling down, pick up a book you like to read and imagine yourself as the main character. Next thing you know, you will forget about all the problems you were dealing with before.  

  1. Listening to Podcasts 

The final resource I utilize when I am feeling upset is listening to podcasts. The main platform that I use to listen to different podcasts is Spotify. The podcast that I have been obsessed with is The Self Love Fix. When I am upset, this podcast helps me remind myself to do whatever it takes to take care of myself and that it is okay to take time for yourself. You do not have to listen to this specific podcast, but you can listen to whatever podcast you enjoy.  

Olivia Francis is a second-year member of the Her Campus at SBU chapter. She oversees the site’s culture, entertainment, and wellness verticals on the site, including mental health, relationships, TV shows, and movie coverage. Olivia is currently a second-year student majoring in Communications, Social Justice & Advocacy at St. Bonaventure University. Beyond Her Campus, Olivia has been published in many anthropologies over the years through an organization called Young Writers. In her free time, Olivia enjoys writing poetry and short stories, along with taking walks while listening to her favorite music genres on Spotify such as Pop or R&B. One of her goals is to travel the world someday and explore new foods and customs. An interesting fact about Olivia is she is not only the first college gen student but, she is the first female in her family to go for a higher education.