In the college world, Friday and Saturday nights are the nights people get a little too dressed up and a little too drunk, except if you’re an RA. Most RA’s like to be fun suckers and party poopers. But, you know the saying, “Every party needs a pooper!” As per usual, my friends and I got ready for a night out in Allegany going to house parties and bar hopping (between the only two bars in Allegany). However, before we went out, we all gathered in someone’s room down the hall from mine. We have been going there all semester with no problems or write-ups… Except for Friday night. I decided to leave the room with a Red Solo Cup full of a dark red unnamed drink right as the RA’s were about to knock on the door. When the girl RA saw the cup, she asked what it was and me, feeling very confident, said, “Cranberry juice!” She responded real quick with “Bull Sh!t” Well okay then…
Thankfully my boyfriend was visiting that weekend to keep me calm because those RA’s would have gotten a piece of my mind. The best part of the whole write up was when the RA’s had the audacity to say “Thank you for being so cooperative while we write you up. It’s our jobs and we wish we didn’t have to do this.” … Seriously? Then don’t write us up!!! I just don’t understand why they couldn’t give us a warning? It was our first time getting written up, we weren’t being loud or anything AND I was leaving the room to get some water to help with Saturday morning’s dehydration issues!
Thankfully I was found not guilty but still, never again!