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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

This spring at St. Bonaventure can be summed up in one word: wet. It seems that all that has happened is rain, rain and more rain. When you want to enjoy the few moments of sunshine, you better bring a jacket since a storm cloud is surely right on the horizon. 

But, the rain is good sometimes. Personally, it forces me to “lock in” instead of frolicking around outside in the sun. It’s also great sleeping weather. I probably get the best sleep of my life when I can hear the rain pattering on the sidewalk outside my window.

The rain rejuvenates our studiousness and makes sure we’re well rested, but the sun revives the whole campus.

The best days on campus are the ones when the sun is out, and it seems like the whole student body is outside soaking up every bit of the warm rays it can. People are playing frisbee and spike-ball with their friends, walking the river trail and sprawling out on the grass to catch-up on their reading. These are the times that college life really comes alive.

Being out in the sun makes us happy, too! It’s scientifically proven!

According to Medical News Today, spending time out in the sun’s rays reduces pain, boosts the immune system, and makes us more relaxed. Overall, it just makes us more inclined to feel happy. These feelings are especially important at this point in the semester when everyone is feeling the stress of final exams and projects. A little trip out of doors might just help reset your body to feel more at peace amidst the hectic whirl that is the last week of school.

Rain stimulates our brains, but the sun feeds our soul, just like the flowers popping up across campus.

I’ve seen daffodils, cherry blossoms, violets, and plenty of dandelions scattered on the lawns of St. Bonaventure these past weeks; the warm weather and rain had prepped them for the big bloom we are seeing now in May.

We are in bloom right now as well, with the weather clearing up and our brains turned on for our final week of exams. Crawling out from hibernating in our dorms from the persisting cold of the winter, now we’re ready for our time in the sun.

This last burst of sunshine for the semester is prepping us for the sun-filled days of the coming summer, and sending us into finals week in good spirits and in full bloom like the beautiful flowers we all are.

Jessica Wikander is a second year member of the Her Campus chapter at St. Bonaventure University, and loves to write about topics such as movies, books, music, and so much more. She is also always looking to get more involved in the world of writing, editing and journalism in and outside of school. Jessica is a sophomore at St. Bonaventure University and is a strategic communication and literary publishing & editing double major. Along with Her Campus, she has joined other on campus media outlets such as The Buzz, the campus radio station; and the BonaVenture, the campus newspaper. She also is a part of SBU for Equality and the Jandoli School Women in Communications group. Back home, Jessica works at her local public library where she has grown to love being surrounded by people who shared the same love of books and writing as her. On her own time, Jessica enjoys reading. She is a lover of classic literature, fantasy, and literary fiction. She also loves to crochet and is trying to learn how to knit. A comfort show of hers is New Girl, and is an avid period drama watcher and enthusiast. She is open to any discussions on her favorite pieces of media and is always looking for new recommendations of things to watch or read.