Warm weather is here. Springtime is hot in Georgia, and everyone’s looking for a way to cool themselves off. And I have just the fix for you, that will smoothly transition right into everyone’s favorite season, summer (jk, some hate the summer). Icy-making!
Not only does it taste great on a hot day, but they come out looking super cute!
These icies are not like the ones you buy at the grocery store; these are my personalized favorites. It includes my favorite candy and juice, but you, of course, can change it up to fit your taste buds. Okay, so let’s get right into this.
Supplies you will need:
A freezer
Icy tray (dixie cups work just fine)
Plastic spoons (work great for substitution of pop sickle sticks)
Lemonade (can be substituted for your taste buds)
Trollies gummy worms (can be substituted for your taste buds)
Fruit gushers
The majority of these ingredients can be purchased from a local gas station. If you’re looking for an actual icy tray you can get them at your local grocery store or at Target in the dollar area. If you’re lucky, you may find them in the mark-down section. Dollar Tree is always a cheap, fun option as well!
For the actual icy-making: First, stuff your icy tray or Dixie cups with the desired amount of candy. When using an actual icy tray, I fill that baby right up! Then, I add in the juice. With the Dixie cups it may be best to add candy, fill with juice and then add more candy so it doesn’t get all jumbled up in one place.
Once filled with the desired amount of sugary goodness, pop those things into the freezer and let them sit overnight. That’s it, you’re done just like that.
Take them out the freezer the next day and enjoy!