Having the opportunity to be part of Her Campus has changed the way I look at community during my Junior year of College. I’ve found girls that support each other no matter their differences. Girls that want to create a safe environment for everyone to feel joyful of who they are but specializing in empowering women and our attributes; which has been a great experience coming from a country that is very oppressing of women thoughts and roles in the society.
During our past big even “Ice cream Paint job” I realized all the hard work that had to go to create this space, and even though we faced some difficulties it was great to see the outcome. Everyone enjoying an atmosphere with people that maybe they have never seen around before and noticing they had so much in common made me so happy and proud of what Her Campus does. I realized that our attendees where there just to socialize and feel the pace of the group which emphasized the importance of belonging to such organization. Without the love that goes in from every member, I bet the experience would have been very different.
I am amazed at the growth that this has represented for me personally as a woman in today’s society. It helps me notice each and every day that we all have an incredible voice that has more to offer than just being the female stereotype in the society. And it has shown me that being part of these organization doesn’t mean that you have to be better than anyone or that you have to go against the opposite gender, instead you have the power to open the eyes of everyone to help raise awareness and intelligence in our society to create a better place for girls and woman. I am glad I met all these incredible bees this quarter!