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4 Vital Life Lessons From Our Grandmothers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

Throughout the entirety of my childhood I have received life advice from my grandmother, whether or not it was wanted. As a young girl I had let her advice go in one ear and out the other; I had never quite appreciated her wisdom until I graduated high school. Not only do I find myself taking her advice in college, but I’ve quoted her when talking to my friends.

We all have that older female role model, and for many of us that’s our grandmother. I’m lucky enough to have a close relationship with my grandma. But for those of you who don’t, I suggest finding a female, at least 10 years older than you, who you can go to for guidance. It is such a gift to have a role model whom you can converse with.


In just the short time I’ve been at college, I’ve found myself using my grandmother’s advice, and I know many of my friends have as well. Here are some vital life lessons from mine as well as other SCAD students’ grandmothers.


1. “My grandmother always told me to be selfish. Before I went off to college she said, ‘Your 20’s are your selfish years. Do everything for you. No one else is going to think for you, so you have to think for yourself. Focus on school, get a degree, and pride yourself in being an educated and successful young woman.’ It was the best advice I have ever received.” – Isabelle Doucette, Film & Television


2. “My grandma came home when she was 65 from vacation with a butterfly tattoo on her shoulder and when I asked her why she got it she said, ‘I spent too long caring what other people thought, and finally I said, ‘what the hell?’ I want a butterfly tattoo’.” Elizabeth Thanos, Animation

Illustration by Samantha Skipper

3. “Everything happens for a reason” – Alyssa Allerton, Fashion Merchandising

If you’re ever feeling lost or starting to lose faith, just remember that everything does happen for a reason. When one door closes another one will open. Some of the best things in your life can come from difficult times. Be patient.


Illustration by Samantha Skipper

4. “Never turn down a date, because it’s free food and free booze.” Izzi Moore-Stoll, Production Design

If you’re lucky enough to have a comical grandmother, you’re lucky enough! But on a serious note, don’t be so quick to turn down dates without fully considering it. People can surprise you.

Illustration by Samantha Skipper