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5 Easy Steps to Dealing with a Not-So-Great Roommate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

Everyone has a roommate that they don’t get along with at some point in their life. Before you stress yourself out over them, remember that being at college comes with enough stress: so here are five easy steps to dealing with a crazy roommate.

Image courtesy of someecards.com.


  1. Set a few rules. Yeah, it might be tacky at the beginning of the quarter to sit down and have the awkward “what happens if we screw up” talkbut it will definitely prevent any awkward situations in the future. You might think that you’ll get along great but two weeks later, you’re passive aggressively making eye contact in class. Setting rules just removes all of the stress from the situation before it even happens.

  2. Follow girl code. As insane as it might sound, girl code is about protecting your fellow ladies and keeping everyone classy while still having a good time. No matter how mad they make you, they’re still a fellow girl and you need to treat the situation with grace and so do they.

  3. Talk it out. Privately. Try to speak to them privately about the actions they’ve been doing. Have they been bringing boys in late at night without permission? Has she been leaving dirty dishes in the sink? Don’t call her out in public, because that will only push the situation further in the wrong direction. When you ask your roommate to stop the behavior, the worst she can do is say no.

  4. Learn to accept your roommate. Life happens, and sometimes people don’t mix.That’s okay! Feelings don’t need to be hurt in order to continue living with someone. Accept her as she is, faults and all, and work on yourself. You’re here for you.

  5. If all else fails, move out. If there is no other option, or she makes you feel threatened in any way, you always have the option to move out. There are Facebook pages with apartments for rent and the college will help you in any way possible to feel safe in your own home. Talk to people and make sure you’re all good.

Good luck!

Freshman illustration major at the SCAD Savannah Campus. I like cats, chicken alfredo, and being happy. kelliehilton.com