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The Benefits of Fitting Yoga into your College Schedule

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

I had never done yoga before, but when I found out that my college offered classes daily for free, my roommate and I just had to try it out. These are the benefits I have found after taking yoga classes three times a week for the past month.


  1. I have so much more energy: Last quarter, I did not do yoga. My classes were so much easier than they are now, and I was still tired all the time. This quarter, I am in very demanding classes, and I started working a job part-time, but I have so much energy. I am able to do all of my tasks with my full attention.
  2. My stress level has lowered extremely: When doing yoga, it feels like your squeezing and stretching all of the stress out of you. In college, that’s really important. We have a lot of responsibilities as college women and it’s important that we take care of our personal stress levels so that we can effectively complete our tasks.
  3. It’s a good break from big projects: Being in art school, we all know that sitting down and painting for hours at a time isn’t rare. Taking an hour out of the day to get away and do yoga is a perfect way to get a break and renew your mind so that you can get back to work.

If you would like to start doing yoga but don’t know where to begin, I suggest starting with an all-levels flow yoga class. This class will be a challenge, but will be manageable for all strength levels.

The SCAD Studio is located at Corben Hall and is free for all SCAD Card holders.

Photos Courtesy of SCAD District and Ali Forrest