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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

With projects, classes, internships, field trips, and the many things SCAD has to offer, getting everything done on time may seem impossible. So here are some tips that can help you get your best work done on time.

Put your phone on “do not disturb”.

This will prevent you from constantly looking at your notifications and getting sucked into the cycle of checking all of your social media accounts.

Plug in and tune out the world.

A lot of people have found that listening to music helps them focus, so find a playlist that best suits your learning style. If you’re not sure where to start, look at recommended study playlists or try classical or jazz music.

Try working in timed intervals.

Studies have shown that this method is the most effective for memory retention. So if you’ve set aside an hour to work on your design project, work for 30 minutes straight, take a 10 minute break, and spend the last 30 minutes completing what you started. This allows you to maximize your time spent working since you are fully focused on the task at hand.

Go somewhere new with a friend or a study group.

Doing your work in places other than your dorm will help spark your creativity and make the process a bit more enjoyable. If you study with friends, you can get immediate feedback on your work if you are unsure what your next step should be. A big part of education is collaboration.


All images courtesy of Veronica Germano