It’s not easy being clean. Neat freaks constantly struggle to keep their lives as tidy as possible. These are some of the things that neat freaks deal with each day – in an organized list, of course.
1. You’re constantly running late because you can’t leave the house without making your bed and tidying up before you leave. There is nothing worse than an unmade bed.
2. You die a little inside every time one of your roommates/family members leaves a dish in the sink.
3. When you host a party, you can’t wait until everyone leaves so you can start cleaning up.4. You have a spiritual connection with Monica Geller and Danny Tanner. These iconic clean freaks made you feel like someone finally understands you.
5. Every trip to the Container Store is like taking a quick trip to heaven. You fantasize about the organization of your future home.
6. The greatest test of your willpower is trying not to scream when someone messes up something that you have just perfectly organized.
7. Your friends don’t understand your need to consistently rearrange and reorganize your room.
8. Living with messy people stresses you out. Why can’t everyone in the world appreciate cleanliness like you do?!
9. You take pride in your closet. You have a strict system in which every hanger faces the same way, everything is color-coded and organized by season.
10. You’ve thought about asking other people to help you clean, but then realized that no one can truly clean as well as you do. It will just take you longer to do it right after they’re done.
11. You have a wide variety of cleaning supplies and enough hand sanitizer to last you a lifetime.
12. Watching Hoarders terrifies you because you cannot imagine living with that much clutter.
13. You believe the best form of exercise is dancing around the house while cleaning.
You may struggle every day, but at least you’re organized.