Whether you like it or not, your college years are flying by at lighting speed. The number of days you have left to become a legging-free, real person, with a career is about to be fewer than 365. So, here are nine essential things you must accomplish as junior to be a stressless senior:
1. Become Familiar with Career Services
The Center for Career Development at The University of Scranton assists students to choose a career path that coincides with their talents, goals, and interests. The professionals at the Career Center can help you prepare your résumé, cover letter and CV. You can also enrich your interviewing skills by scheduling an appointment for mock interviews. Overall, the staff is a great resource so that you feel more comfortable and prepared.
2. Meet With Your Advisor
This might sound silly, but it isn’t uncommon for students to believe they’re on schedule to graduate. But in reality, they might be behind on credits. Sit down with your advisor to map out what your senior year is going to look like. This includes the number of credits you need to graduate, the classes you need to take, and the time of the classes.
3. Clean Up Your Social Media
I hate to break it to you, but even if your Facebook name is only your first and middle name and your account is set to private … employers can still search you and find your posts. You don’t have to delete all of your accounts, but delete any inappropriate posts that you wouldn’t want your mom, grandma, prospective boss or client seeing.
4. Find Internships
Internships are an amazing way to gain experience firsthand in your desired field. You’ll discover more about the career you’re planning to pursue. Applying to internships is also a great way to practice your interviewing skills and résumé writing.
5. Buy An Interview Outfit
I’m sure we would all rather splurge on anything but professional clothes, but it is a necessary investment. Before you even say a word to an interviewer, you have already made an impression based on your apparel. It’s always convenient to have a go-to outfit for interviews, networking and even class presentations. Opt for a comfortable, appropriate and neutral colored outfit.
6. Build Relationships
It’s important to have close relations with at least three professors because you can learn from their past experiences. Eventually, you can ask them to write you a letter of recommendation to boost your job application. Networking and creating connections with a variety of people in and out of your field can help you score an internship or job.
7. Visit Financial Aid
Many students don’t know how much they’re paying for their education and how much they will owe in student loans. It’s helpful to be informed so that you don’t always have to rely on your parents to sort through your financial aid information and you can accurately plan for your life after graduation.
8. Define The Job You Want
This may seem like a daunting task, but being specific about the job you want may make it easier for you to apply to jobs and internships. Setting professional goals for yourself could help you gain direction and figure out the steps you need to take to achieve these goals. Don’t forget to dream big!
9. Embrace Your Time As An Undergrad
Try not to be too overwhelmed, because you shouldn’t have your future planned out yet. It takes people a while to figure out where they want to go in life. Seize every second that you’re still in college. Have fun and be present!