You may be dreaming of warmer weather, tan skin, no class, but these wondrous things just don’t happen over night. It is a process. A long, depressing, process of shifting weather patterns, the ugly melting snow and getting rid of that “hibernation” weight. As the love-hate relationship is more of a consistent loathing by the end of February/early March, you have to ask yourself the ever important question…..Are you really ready to say goodbye to your sweaters until next snowfall?! Just think about it. How many months of summer do we actually have in the Northeast? If you’re not from the Northeast, you have to understand that we basically have two seasons: snow, and rain with only a little bit of sunshine.
So you may be thinking, this girl is out of her mind, but hear me out. Sweater weather is actually much harder to say goodbye to, if you think about it.
Let’s start from the beginning:
The months of fall on all social media build up the beautiful time of “sweater weather”. This can be associated with the time that the Starbucks pumpkin spiced latte rolls back around. The weather is starting to become chillier, the days are become shorter, and all females from every walk of style (hipsters, preppy, tom-boy, whatever) are waiting for this moment. You even may be hating on the basic b*tches for their oversized sweaters, but what else are you going to wear trucking through the arctic tundra going to class?
(We all know that GIF.)
This is the moment of now being able to roll out of bed and throw on a giant over-sized sweater and head off to class. You can text your friends every exciting hand emoji and not even care if they are clapping or praying, because you are that happy.
During that dreaded 3-hour lecture, you are able to sit and have the advantage of the sweater acting as a giant blanket. You are able to be completely comfortable without looking like a complete hobo. Class boring that day? No worries, you have your oversized sweater to doze off in.
Going out is even better. Instead of planning an outfit for that will still look OK after the alcohol bloat and sloppiness, you are thinking of ways to keep warm. Even if you are rocking a crop top, you can throw on an oversized cardi. Best of both worlds.
But, alas, the snow is melting into some version that is even uglier than the standard brown. Who knew that could be possible? Say goodbye to ugly Christmas sweater parties as well! Now it’s time to fit those giant sweaters somewhere in your room. This task usually isn’t a quick process either. Yay, spring-cleaning.
We all know those sweaters aren’t cheap. So tucking it away under your bed or in the back of your closet may be pulling at those heartstrings. Yes, you are swapping them out for your high-waisted,colorful, or whatever type of jean short, but we both know that those shorts aren’t even in the same spectrum of comfy.
Now that you have swapped out those shorts, are you thinking to yourself, do these even fit? What cheek goes into these? Some of us may stay active at the gym during the frigid months, while the rest of us are snuggled up in our warm homes watching Netflix and snacking away. Those over-sized sweaters and leggings are looking real nice about now, aren’t they?
You may become so torn that you and your best friend are trying to think of some type of functional summer sweater (this has actually happened).
And honestly, what even is this “spring weather”? One day it’s in the high 50s, the next day it drops back down to the 30s.
So next time you are longing for a tank-top and are completely drenched in sweat, think back to the simpler days of your oversized sweater.