Oftentimes, many people look over or are unaware of their “big three” zodiac signs (your sun, moon, and ascendant), and instead focus on their sun sign only. Truth is, these three signs are incredibly significant and relevant to who you are as a person, and so your sun sign isn’t really enough to cover the majority of your personal identity.
If you aren’t sure of your “big three,” I highly recommend using Astrology.com or the CoStar app to help you figure out these placements. My personal “big three” are: Cancer sun, Pisces moon, and Virgo rising (ascendant).
Let’s get down to basics.
Your sun sign essentially makes up your ego and identity. Not only is your sun sign a fundamental part of your nature and personality, but it also depicts your role or path in life. As a Cancer sun, I’m fundamentally sensitive and maternal in nature. I am deeply devoted to relationships with those I care about, and an all-around empathetic being.
Your moon sign determines your emotions, moods, reactions, and feelings. In your most vulnerable and comfortable state, you likely demonstrate characteristics of this sign the most to your closest inner circle. My moon is in Pisces, which is another deeply emotional water sign. Pisces’ moon characteristics are very similar to that of Cancer’s, so it further adds to my emotional and gentle nature as well as my intense longing for secure long-term relationships.
Finally, your rising sign essentially demonstrates how you view the world, and how the world views you. It is deeply embedded in first impressions, meaning the personality characteristics of your rising sign are what people see in you upon meeting for the first time. Additionally, rising signs can also depict key aspects of how you look! As a Virgo rising, many people see me as a diligent perfectionist who can sometimes be a little too obsessed with detail and organization. Appearance-wise, Virgo ascendants tend to have smaller figures, darker hair and eyes, and often look younger than their real age (all of which I possess).
Hopefully this simple guide helped you understand why your “big three” zodiac signs are more important as a whole in shaping your personality rather than just your sun sign alone.