Name: Dominique “Dom” Liuzzo
Major: History and Political Science
Minor: Art History, Philosophy Italian Language and Culture
Year: Senior (AYO CLASS OF 2016)
Hometown: Greenfield Township, PA
Dominique Liuzzo is the epitome of the best friend you could make in college. When you meet her, you might be a little jealous of her adventurous nature (or her super cool grandpa sweaters), but you will soon realize that she has a heart bigger than the oversized water bottles she carries around campus. It’s easy to wonder how she is able to balance her busy life as well as she does. Between club meetings, staying on top of her double major, being the yogi she is and having dance parties in the car (Shakira is our personal favorite,) Dominique puts her heart into everything that she does and is nearly the most dedicated and motivated friend we have.
HC: What are you involved in on campus?
DL: I am currently involved in Student Government, I am the Chairwoman of the Safety, Justice, and Service Committee and serve as a Resident Senator. I’m also a part of the University’s Governance Council, and I try to volunteer as much as I possibly could. I try to stay more involved with different aspects of campus too, like the Royals Historical Society, and the International Club and Buddy Program. I was a PACT presenter with the Jane Kopas Women’s Center this past fall and I’m helping out with Take Back the Night this spring (April 28th at 5 be there or be square). Finally, I’m currently the Vice Captain of Love Your Melon Scranton Crew and I write for the awesome Her Campus Scranton. Oh, and I work on campus at the International and Study Abroad Office, come say hi!
HC: Looking back at your freshman self, what has changed about you in the last four years?
DL: It’s crazy how people say how much you’ll grow and change. I was always that snot head kid who was like, nope nah not going to change, this is me. Now looking back, I have grown and changed so much. I would concentrate on such minor things beforehand and get so upset. I think that after I studied abroad it hit me and different events are reassuring that. I try to understand people better, see their point of view. I think it’s a good way to understand people and connect with them, but also a good personal challenge. I also learned, even though it’s still a challenge, that asking for help is ok. I went on the Divinely Designed Retreat this past weekend, and it really solidified my experience at Scranton.
HC: What is the one thing that you are most thankful for?
DL: My parents. My mom is my best friend. She has challenged me my whole life, and now looking back I am so grateful for each of the lessons. The main thing was to be independent and myself, and I just want to make her proud. She hasn’t killed me yet after I shout “her name is Blenda, like a blender” and make a grinding noise, wherever we go, so I think she’ll keep me around. Even my Dad, we never see eye to eye, but this past month I actually learned that we are almost the same person. I’ll be super sappy and say I started to cry because it finally all made sense in my head, so now instead of thinking of all the little fights, I think how blessed I am to have thick Italian skin like him.
HC: What is something that people may not know about you?
DL: I have changed this so many times because I’m weird and have a lot of things. I once had a pet seahorse, and I named him Billy. Oh and I am obsessed with my pink blanket, if you’re my friend, you know pink blanket too.
HC: What do you do to stay sane with such a hectic schedule?
DL: To be honest, I have had a hectic schedule my whole life, so now I’m conditioned. I take everything one day at a time during the week. I schedule everything out on Sunday’s so I can visually see it. I also will schedule naps and yoga so I don’t forget. I like being constantly busy, it actually helps me with my studies because I’m in such a focused mode. I go crazy during intersession and summer since I’m not constantly on the go, so I will work crazy hours.
HC: Graduation is right around the corner, what are your career aspirations?
DL: What don’t I want to do is more the question (haha). I want to travel, be happy,grow as a person, help others along the way, try more cheeses. These aren’t careers but right now I want to intertwine them with future so that’s the thought. My main goal is to become a Cultural Property Lawyer in an international setting. I want to work at a museum, and work with what I am inspired from.I’m in the process of applying to a couple jobs right now because I want to experience the world more before I go back into a constant academic atmosphere, since I want to go for masters at the same time as earning my J.D. I would love to be a study abroad/international advisor, or teach english, or volunteer abroad, for a few years before continuing with my ultimate goal. Check back with me in a couple months (haha).
HC: If you had to describe yourself with one emoji, what would it be?
DL: Oh, this is difficult. Side note, one of my BFFs who’s my roommate and I play the “flag game” and we send each other emoji flags. So I literally spent an hour studying flags or in Latin,vexillology, shout out to Father Sweeney. But I’ll go with the face emoji with the big glasses and big teeth. We’re practically twins.
HC: What is the best part of being close to home?
DL: I get to see my animals and parents all the time. I could drive home for dinner and hang out and be back to Scranton quick for the next day. I think I am lucky because if I moved far away like I wanted to initially for undergrad, I wouldn’t be who I am today. Scranton and NEPA has done its job, and now I am ready to see the world.
Stay beautiful.