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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

Springtime at Scranton is one of my favorite times of the year. Once the weather starts to get nice, everyone hangs out outside, whether they are studying or just spending time with their friends. It feels like the quintessential college experience. But spring is also a stressful time of year because it means finals are coming up. It can be hard to enjoy the sunshine when you have tests and final papers to worry about. Here are some ways to manage your stress in the coming weeks!

1. Take time for yourself

I know it sounds cliché, but taking time for yourself during times of stress is essential. You may think you have to spend every minute of every day studying, but that is simply not true. You also have to make time to do things that make you feel relaxed and happy. Watch a TV show you love, have a self-care night, grab a sweet treat, make yourself a cup of tea. School is important, but so are you, and you need to show yourself the love you deserve.

2. Spend time with your friends

The good thing about finals is that everyone is going through it together. If you’re feeling stressed, there’s a good chance your friends are too. Take a study break and set aside some time to hang out with them. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. My friends and I always love a good movie night or a Just Dance night. Take a break from everything and just spend time with each other. It’s almost the end of the semester, so make the most of the time you have together!

3. Listen to upbeat music

If you’re the type of person who likes to listen to music while you study, this is for you. Find the music that motivates you. I always find that music affects my mood, so I would recommend listening to upbeat music that makes you feel happy and energized. Personally, I’ve been listening to “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter nonstop. It is such an upbeat, catchy pop song, and it never fails to put me in a good mood.

4. Make a REASONABLE schedule for yourself

When I’m stressed, making schedules or to-do lists for myself each day helps me to feel more in control. The most important thing is to make these lists realistic. Don’t place impossible expectations on yourself. You’re not always going to get everything done in one day, and you shouldn’t expect that of yourself. Making reasonable daily goals can help you feel more organized and motivated. But if you still don’t get everything on your list done, don’t be discouraged. Remember you are human, and you are doing your best.

5. Prioritize your sleep

Go to bed at a decent time! I cannot stress this enough! You may think staying up late to do your work is worth it, but I promise you it is not. Lack of sleep can affect your focus and your health, so it

is actually the worst thing you can do when you’re stressed. Think of sleep as your fuel. Your studying will not be nearly as effective if you are not well-rested.

6. Call a family member, friend, etc.

Sometimes when times are tough, you just need someone to talk to. When I get really overwhelmed, I take a break from the things that are stressing me out, and I call my mom. She always knows just what to say to make me feel better. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take some time to call a loved one. It may just lift your spirits!

Hopefully this list was helpful! I know this can be a really stressful time of year but remember to be kind to yourself. You are doing the best you can. Stay calm and enjoy the sunshine!

Sheila Miller

Scranton '26

Hi I'm Sheila! I'm a sophomore journalism and electronic media major. I love to sing and listen to music, and I'm a HUGE Taylor Swift fan! I also love animals, and I have two dogs and two cats.