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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

This is one of the most stressful parts of the year in my opinion. Spring break is coming up soon and naturally there are lots of exams and assignments to finish before we all get a week of relaxation. Just because relaxation is on the horizon doesn’t mean that we should let go of our mental health in the meantime. Here are some things that I do to help myself destress.

1. I need to take care of my body to be able to focus on anything. About five times a week I like to take an hour out of my day to do some physical activity. This can be anything from walking, to yoga, to playing just dance! I always feel my best and most productive when I take time for my physical health.

2. One big thing that I try to do is stay away from work while I am eating. Our entire days are filled with constant schoolwork and studying, and I think it is important to set aside some time in the day where schoolwork is not the focus. Also, I love to eat so I want to be able to enjoy that time of the day.

3. Another thing that helps put me in a better mood is listening to my favorite music. I like to do this anytime that I can, something about singing and dancing along makes me happier.

Just remember that even if times are rough, it is possible to find a bit of joy in every day.

XOXO Kathleen

Kathleen Appau

Scranton '24

Hey I'm Kathleen and I am a third year occupational therapy student with a health administration minor. I love animals and i have the sweetest greyhound named Dustin. I love to hang out with my friends and to make memories doing new things. I am so excited to be a part of HER campus this semester.