As cliché as it might sound, college really does fly by. I’m not sure if it’s the freedom or not having 8-hours of classes every day, but I am almost going into my 4th year and I feel like my first day of freshman year was yesterday. As a COVID-19 freshman, my friends and I did and tried everything we could think of to make the most of it and have those “legendary” stories to tell.
1. No one cares
I said it. No one actually cares. No one cares if you go eat alone or study alone. Yes, it is very scary to do and get used to, but then you begin to notice everyone else who is alone too. College gets busy and overwhelming, and everyone suddenly doesn’t have time for everyone. While this may be scary or even anxiety-inducing at first, it is a great way to begin to be comfortable with being by yourself sometimes. College is filled with so many new experiences that we are all wrapped in our own bubble trying to see it all, that odds are no one is keeping track of who is or isn’t alone. If anything, it gives you a great opportunity to talk to new people and maybe even make new friends.
2. Be the main character
This is college. A new world full of new people who don’t know your past and are all finding their way. Be the best version of yourself. Make yourself the main character of your story because you are officially in charge of your life.
3. Don’t be Afraid
There’s plenty to fear once you arrive. Are people going to like me? Am I going to do well in my classes? So on and so on. There are so many ups and downs in college you can’t prepare for, but I promise you can get through them. Some classes will be easier, and some may seem impossible. Don’t let your pride or fear get in the way of talking to your professors, they want to see you succeed, it took me way too long to learn this. This even applies to parties, go out and find your fun and bring your friends along with you. One of my favorite memories from freshman year was having houses apologize to us for not being able to throw a party due to COVID-19, everyone is in the same situation you are.
4. Take Care of Yourself
Again, with the cliches, but seriously do it. Go to the gym, stay hydrated, eat, sleep, study, set aside time for yourself. Your body needs to move and needs water. Yes, grades are very important, but never more important than you are. If you aren’t mentally and/or physically doing well, how do you expect your grades to do better? You can’t give more than what you have to offer, so make sure you find a balance that works for you, and your schedule and goals.
5. Call home
They miss you, you miss them, just call. They can probably help you or give you some inspiration to keep pushing through. It isn’t embarrassing to call home, everyone does it. I love my roommates’ parents and occasionally join in on their phone calls to say “hi.” They are a huge part of your support system and kind of have to be in your corner rooting for you. Don’t forget you are not alone, no matter how alone it may feel.
There are so many more suggestions I could give, but I have to let you figure some things out on your own. Good luck on your new journey and I hope these reminders/suggestions help!