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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

Since I was a little girl, I have loved listening to Taylor Swift’s songs! One of my favorite aspects of her music is that she has a song for every mood. Whether you want to be nostalgic and listen to songs from “Fearless,” or want to dance around to pop hits on “1989,” she’s got your back. And, of course, my personal favorite is to curl up and listen to “Folklore” while doing work. Throughout her career, Taylor Swift has released 10 albums, and I will be sharing my favorite song from each album!

Taylor Swift: “Should’ve Said No”

Fearless (Taylor’s Version): “Forever & Always (Taylor’s Version) (Piano Version)”

Speak Now (Taylor’s Version): “Timeless (From the Vault)”

Red (Taylor’s Version): “All too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor’s Version) (From the Vault)”

1989: “Clean”

Reputation: “Don’t Blame Me”

Lover: “The Archer”

Folklore: “Illicit Affairs”

Evermore: “Tolerate it”

Midnights: “You’re On Your Own, Kid”

While these songs are all completely different, they are my top ten favorite Taylor Swift songs, and some of them are a few of my all-time favorite songs!

Hannah Sheehan

Scranton '26

Hi I'm Hannah! I am a sophomore health administration major with a business minor and a women and gender studies concentration at the University of Scranton. I am involved in the health administration society, HerCampus, orientation staff, an admissions co-director, and the visitor's center. I love dancing, listening to music, and spending time with friends!! :)