There isn’t anything more “stellar” than Stellar.
If you are softie for sharing stories, scroll your finger straight to the app store and download. This new app is rad. Users have the power to cultivate a 20-page maximum story with their own words, photos and videos.
You will utterly fall in love when exploring other users’ stories. They can be from anyone, anywhere. Cloud Surfing NYC, Logo in a Day and Maple Whiskey Cider are just a few of the intriguing stories Stellar will encourage you to skim.
Stellar is about to take society by storm. You can successfully pour your creative juices into making stories to share things such as a job application, a DYI step – by – step project, or memories from past adventures.
Here are a few tips Stellar presented in their own story to get you started:
· Explore Stellar to find storytellers that you know and some that you don’t
· Comment, share and “like” your heart out
· Visual story covers are always the best
· Tell your friends and family
· Tell WHATEVER you WANT to tell!
Happy Stellar storytelling!
XO, HC Scranton