You may have seen him in the halls. You may have seen him in the pool. But if you haven’t seen him, you may have heard his hot new single, “Dump It”. When I refer to “him”, I am talking about Young Tuck a.k.a. King Doobie: the man, the myth, the legend. That’s right, the REAL King Doobie lives among us.
Even though we all know him as “The King,” you might know him as the senior water polo player, Tucker Carlson.
HC: How did you get started?
KD: I started making music in high school with three of my close friends. We would get together in the studio for hours to hang out and rap. After a while we decided we should start up a group. We called ourselves D9Kz and ended up dropping an album right after junior year of high school.
HC: Whom would you most like to open for?
KD: I would really like to open up for The Grouch or Zion I. I have been listening to their music since I was young. They produce both conscious music and great songs to vibe out to.
HC: Who is your inspiration?
KD: I am inspired constantly. I love listening to new music whenever I can, so I can digest innovative styles of rap. That way I can continually develop my craft. Some artists that have been inspiring to me in the past are The Grouch, E-40, Andre Nickatina, Drake and Kendrick Lamar.
HC: What would you like to say to all of your fans at Santa Clara?
KD: I appreciate the love! They have given me unmeasured support and I can’t thank them enough for it. Making music is something that I have wanted to do for my whole life. It’s really amazing to see that other people can relate to the music I love to create.
HC: What’s next for King Doobie?
KD: I am currently finishing up my mix tape, “The Come Up Credentials.” Once I have released that, I am going to try to play some shows down the California coastline.
Well, you heard it here folks. Just as the song “Royals” by the young singer-songwriter Lorde says, “I’m in love with being queen,” I think it is safe to say that we are in love with King Doobie being king. We wish him the best of luck in his endeavors. Don’t just keep “backing it up,” King Doobie, keep bumping.