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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SDSU chapter.

With the holidays right around the corner, it’s that time of the year when there is more pressure than ever to show your loved ones how much you care about them with material items! If you’re like me, it can be challenging to think of gift ideas that will impress everyone, while also not destroying your bank account. So here goes, my holy-grail gift ideas if you are looking to be thoughtful while also saving your coin.


• Make them a music playlist filled with songs that remind you of them, or that fit their vibe!

• Gift them homemade “coupons” for free hugs, coffee on you, etc

• Design a personalized mood board for them, based on their aesthetic/interests 

• Write down all your favorite memories (in-detail) on a list for them

• Print them some affordable polaroid copies of your favorite photos together (use print service website such as this one —> https://supersnaps.com/en-us/builder/mini-retros/)

• Compile a time capsule of your relationship with various memories, pictures, etc. Then, bury the time capsule together in a special spot!

• Purchase ingredients and surprise them by cooking their favorite meal!

• Buy them a succulent or their favorite flowers

• Frame your favorite photo together and decorate it if you’re feeling crafty

• Print out or write down your zodiac compatibility with this person and make them a cute little book

• Pick up glass items (mugs, wine glasses, etc) from the thrift store and add their initials, decorate with calligraphy, etc

• Give them a map of your local area and a dart for them to throw, wherever it lands is where you can go on a quick day-trip to explore that place with each other :)


I really hope this list inspired you in some way! In my own experience, I often find that it is truly the thought that counts with gift-giving, and the monetary value of an item is less important. Happy holidays!

Hi, I'm Grace and I'm from Sacramento, California. I am a second-year Business Marketing student at SDSU. I am passionate about all things fashion, fitness, sustainability, and lifestyle; thus, I often explore these topics in my articles. In my free time you can find me practicing yoga, exploring nature, or finding the cutest spots around the city with friends.
Emily is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus SDSU. She is a 4th year journalism student from Chicago, IL. At SDSU, she is in Kappa Delta, is the Social Media Director of Rho Lambda and the Vice President Membership of Order of Omega. Emily's favorite hobbies are dancing, online shopping, planning out her Instagram feed, blogging and going to Disneyland. On a daily basis, you can find her glued to her laptop writing blog posts and editing Youtube videos. In the future, she wants to work for the Walt Disney Company on their social media marketing and communications corporate team. Emily's strong passion for digital media & content creation makes her very proud to be a member of the Her Campus team!