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CULTURAL COMMENT: The New Wave of Modern “Vintage”

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SDSU chapter.

With the rise of fast fashion and micro-trends, it seems like a new fashion style and trend comes out every month. While this makes it hard to keep up with the latest fads, most of them are reminiscent of trends from 10, 20, and even 30 years ago.

Fashion is a cycle. Trends go in and out, but the most prominent ones reappear every couple of years in an updated version.

Take Uggs, for example. Everyone had a pair, and they became so popular that many other brands were desperate to make their own spin-off. I remember getting a pair of gray Ugg boots for Christmas in 2010, and by the time 2015 rolled around, I would not be caught dead wearing anything that even resembled an Ugg boot. But at the end of 2021, the new Ugg mini boot became another fashion staple people were raving over. The shoe came full circle, with a new modern twist.

This is true of a lot of fashion trends. Low rise jeans dominated the 2000s, but vanished through the 2010s. Now, y2k fashion (the style staples of the early 2000s) is in again and low rise jeans are making their return. Fashion trends from the 90s appear every few years: knee high boots, the Rachel Green aesthetic, and so much more. Even Converse, which has always been a successful brand, had seen a massive boom in popularity with their platform shoes. In fact, the brand has shifted from a basic to a staple, with new colorways and customizable features to make every pair unique. 

The beauty of these trends coming around again is that it adds an element of nostalgia to the world of fashion. Since there are only so many different ways you can make an article of clothing, taking inspiration from ideas of the past is a way for brands to touch base with their roots in a fresh way.

A few trends you may see this upcoming summer pay homage to clothes of the past: micro-skirts from y2k, bright colors straight of the 80’s, and 90s style baggy jeans and pants!

Junior Journalism: Public Relations student at San Diego State University