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Why you should add ENS Classes to your Schedule

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SDSU chapter.

When school stress becomes seemingly unbearable, make sure to take breaks for mental health by focusing on doing things you enjoy. Exercise can be very therapeutic whenever midterms come around, and I find that the easiest way to get your exercise in is by enrolling in one-unit ENS courses. 


Last semester, I had the pleasure of taking an Intermediate Hip Hop class every Tuesday. To be honest, I barely have any experience dancing, but it became the best part of my week. It was just so refreshing to let loose and express myself through dance, and I ended up learning and improving a lot! Dancing isn’t for everybody, but if you have another interest, I highly recommend that you step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Just like any other class, you have until the add/drop deadline to change your mind, so why not! 


With the pressure that we face as college students, it is necessary to take mental health breaks and do something you love. Exercising is not only good for the body, but it can clear your mind and improve your mental health significantly. If you’re like me, then going to the gym takes a lot of motivation, which is why adding exercise to your school schedule kind of forces you to do it and makes it enjoyable. 


Nona Saber

San Diego '21

Hi I'm Nona! I'm a third and final year Political Science major and ISCOR and French minor at San Diego State University. You can find me at the beach, shopping, or hanging out with friends and family. During the quarantine, I've been super into cooking and baking as well. Follow me on Instagram @nonasaber :)
My name is Katherine Chen, in HerCampus I was a writer and a Campus Correspondent. I really enjoy writing and it's a big part of who I am as a person. Outside of writing I enjoy ballet, playing the piano or guitar, I also enjoy hanging out with a good book and binge watching TV shows!