Name:  Carlos Rodriguez
  Year:  Sophomore
  Hometown:  Atlanta, GA
  Major:  Cell and Molecular Biology
  Hobbies:  Photography, Drawing, Painting, and Community and Public Service
  Involvement on Campus: Campion RA, MECHA Club, Hall Council Liaison, Previous Campion Hall President and Academic Mentor
What are your favorite aspects of Seattle University?
I’d say my favorite part of Seattle University is how orientated we are around social justice and community service. I really appreciate how we stress the importance of inclusivity. Lately, I’ve been talking to many of the Jesuits on campus and have actually come to love the Jesuit traditions we practice. Also our fantastic location; we are right in Capitol Hill and so close to the International District, the Central District, and downtown.
What made you want to become an RA?
I am genuinely passionate about helping people out, and knew that this position would give me that opportunity. I also want to be able to be a person of guidance and support for my residents, and promote involvement in every aspect, including community service, leadership, helping out with jobs, and anything else my residents may want to get involved with. Actually, I specifically chose Campion because I wanted to enhance the first year experience for the Residence Hall and build community amongst us all.
What’s your favorite part about being an RA?
I’ve learned to trust my instincts a lot more than I thought I ever would. It has resulted in me becoming more responsible because of the accountability I have for not only my residents but for myself. I am now more aware than I ever have been of the importance of academics, mental, social, and physical care, and have learned to hold myself accountable for my own health. Most importantly, being able to make a positive change in other people’s lives and being able watch them grow as a person is incredibly rewarding.
What’s the most important thing you took from freshman year?
That we’re coming to school for school. It is incredibly easy to get caught up in social life and extracurricular activities and lose sight of what we all really came here for: academics.
If someone were to make a movie about your life, what actor would you want to play you and why?
I’d have to go with Johnny Depp. Judging off all the films he’s been in, he’s an extremely talented actor based on the diversity of the roles he has played. The characters he has played have been dramatically different, and he has embodied each one accurately and incredibly. I feel like I’ve spent most of my life figuring out who I am, and have changed a lot. While I’ve stayed the same person, I’ve exhibited different characteristics and therefore believe Johnny Depp would be the perfect person to capture this process of self transformation.
What do you hope to accomplish after graduation?
I know for sure that I plan to stay in school. I would like to pursue a masters degree in public health, and I’ve considered even furthering my education to a doctorate and becoming a professor. In addition, I’ve envisioned myself working for the CDC in Atlanta, but we’ll see where life takes me.