Name: Chris Wysocki
Major: Computer Science
Hometown: Brentwood, TN
Best Pick up line: If I hear the Tennessee line one more time I swear I will smack someone in the face. Yes I am from Tennessee, so what that has nothing to do with my attractiveness. Also have you seen the people in Tennessee… Not that many 10s.
HC: What have you been up to theatre-wise lately?
CW: Currently I am working on the play 365 with the theatre department. The show is really hard to explain but I can give you a couple of highlights. There are cookies, scripts, I’m almost naked for a good five minutes, Oedipus (the original mother f*cker), and parent issues.
HC: How did you settle on choosing Seattle University?
CW: Basically when I was looking at transferring I wanted to go to a university near tech companies so I could work on video game development and design. I had it narrowed down to Seattle and San Francisco but only had enough time to visit both, about a year before I was in Seattle and loved the city so I decided to visit and thankfully I got in!
HC: Favorite activity for a lazy Sunday in Seattle?
CW: I don’t have lazy days in Seattle.
HC: Worst date you’ve ever been on?
CW: The worst date I’d ever been on is when I knew someone for four days, FOUR DAYS, and we were just hanging out one day, they looked at me and proposed, like marriage after four days FOUR DAYS. Needless to say I said no and moved across the country.
HC: What are your plans post-grad?
CW: After I graduate I want to start working on video game design and development. I’m reading a book now called “Reality is Broken” which is about game design and theory. It has really inspired me to make video games not only for entertainment but also for rehabilitation and education.
HC: If you would travel anywhere, where would you go?
CW: I am actually planning a trip to Bangkok next spring. I really want to learn more about the culture and experience another country as an adult.