When your sent away to college you should expect making friends, attending parties, walking at midnight on adventures for food, and… studying. With all the money you are pouring into your tuition, you should probably study for that midterm. Each of the buildings on campus serves a specific purpose. Yet many of them can double as an A+ places to get on that study grind. Here is a guide to the best study spaces at Seattle U!
12th Floor Study Lounge of Campion Residence Hall
The lounge is donned with a breathtaking view of Seattle, comfy couches, multiple outlets for your dying laptop, and a convenient computer lab. There are also private study rooms that are lined with floor to ceiling whiteboards. How cool is that?
Casey Atrium
The atrium is lined with extremely tall glass windows that overlook the garden area behind Casey. If you’re looking for a low- traffic area with comfy couches, lots of chairs and tables, and a beautiful view, head over to Casey!
Law Building
It can be intimidating to enter the Law Building as an undergraduate. Yet once you study there, you won’t regret it! The space by the Sidebar doubles as a place for a coffee date with friends or to write that essay you forgot.
Pigott is the ultimate study space here on campus. Need another latte to stay awake? The Bottom Line has your second (or third, we don’t judge) caffeine fix! Too lazy to walk to the printers in the library? Pigott has a printer on the first floor! If that doesn’t sell you, how about being ranked #5 on the list of best bathrooms at Seattle U? Lots of stalls and never a line. Pigott has everything you need to be productive or watching Youtube puppy videos between classes!
There you go. A guide to the best study spaces around campus to accommodate your all-night essay writing. Happy studying!