Maybe you followed the Scooby Gang through their adventures when the show aired in 1997, or even earlier when the movie premeired. Now, you can follow Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Giles through their emerging adulthood as bad-ass crime fighters of the dark, demononic underworld of Sunnydale, California on Netflix. Buffy the Vampire Slayer will forever be one of the world’s favorite shows about the supernatural. If you haven’t seen the show, we reccommend adding it to your queue for hours of endless vampire/slayer romantic tension and ass-kicking!
If you’ve ever wondered which character you would be based on your zodiac sign, look no futher!
Aries: Spike
Taurus: Xander Harris
Gemini: Anya Jenkins
Cancer: Cordelia Chase
Leo: Angel
Virgo: Warren Mears
Libra: Tara Maclay
Scorpio: Faith Lehane
Saggitarius: Glory
Capricorn: Buffy Summers
Aquarius: Willow Rosenberg
Pisces: Rupert Giles
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