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14 Gift Ideas for a Long-Distance Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.

              With Valentine’s Day coming up, most couples are planning date nights. They’re talking about what movies to see, where to go to dinner, and maybe setting a budget for gifts. But Valentine’s Day isn’t always easy for long-distance relationships (LDR’s). If you’re in a LDR it doesn’t mean you have to be sad on Valentine’s Day. You can still celebrate your love even from miles away. It may require effort of a different kind, but a LDR Valentine’s Day is all about the gifts, because you can’t touch or be near each other. Here are 14 special gift ideas for a LDR Valentine’s Day:

1.       Souvenirs. It may sound silly, but getting each other a little something from the place where you are is a cute way to include them in your life from afar.

2.       Jewelry. Always a good standby. Send necklaces, rings, bracelets, or even watches. You can even engrave it with a cute phrase. Your honey is sure to love the new bling.

3.       Accessories. Be careful to buy your SO something that they want or need. If it’s snowing where they are, send a new scarf, beanie, or jacket.

4.       A love poem. Get those creative juices flowing and write them a poem on how much you love them. Even mail it the old-fashioned way so it’s a nice surprise.

5.       Video. Make a cute video of reasons why you love them and send it to them on VD. It’ll feel like you’re there with them.

6.       Photo collage. Check out Pinterest for some cute photo collage ideas. You can make one by hand and send it to them, or even make it online.

7.       Event tickets. There may be a concert going on in the near future to a band you both like, so buy your partner some tickets to an event that you both can attend in the near future.

8.       Arrange a Skype dinner date. Just because you’re far away doesn’t mean you can’t have dinner together. Order takeout, eat dinner together on Skype, and maybe even watch a movie together on Netflix.

9.       Mail a package of their favorite things. Sending care packages is such a cute idea that will most definitely be appreciated. Put in some candy, their favorite food, favorite things, etc. Your SO will swoon.

10.   Plan another Valentine’s Day. So you aren’t together on Feb. 14. That doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate Valentine’s Day the next time you see each other.

11.   Surprise trip. Okay, this may be expensive depending on how far apart you live. But it will mean the world to your honey if you surprised them by actually showing up for Valentine’s Day.

12.   Flowers and Chocolate. Classic. Sending flowers and chocolate will always be a good idea and should be your go-to.

13.   Letter. Sending a love letter in the mail, the old-fashioned way. Who doesn’t love getting mail?

14.   Love. In all honesty, your love is the greatest gift of all. All your SO wants is to love you and be loved by you. Whatever you do, make sure that your boo knows that you love them unconditionally.

Rebecca White is a junior at Seton Hall University in New Jersey where she is majoring in Communication Studies and minoring in Writing. She has been on the Dean’s List every semester of her college career and will graduate a semester early in December 2016. During her internships she has conducted celebrity and author interviews. Rebecca is a writer for her college newspaper, The Setonian, and is the Arts and Entertainment copy editor. She aspires to be a novelist while working in the publishing industry, either as a book editor or magazine editor.