We all know SHU finals can be rough, espcially when they basically go til Christmas day this year. Luckiy, HC is here to lend a hand
1. Braving the cold
Let’s get real, that walk to Club Walsh is never fun, epescially when it’s a brisk 35 degrees outside. Luckily, Vera Bradley was awesome enough to send some comfy throw blankets our way!
2. After braving the cold, trying to brave the Caf
It always sounds like a good idea until we get there. So go ahead and “Treat ‘Yo Self” to some yummy brainfood like Chipotle. We know we did!
3. Dealing with stress
Everything piles up at once and it feels like nothing helps, we get it. but it’s important that we take care of ourselves! Proactiv has the right idea, stress can cause breakouts that only add to stress. But, using a daily cleanser can help us maintain our most beautful selves!
4. But that doesn’t always work and we all get he “Finals Flu”
Stress+Caf food+ those crazy Club Walsh parties=Finals Flu. It happend to the best of us, but we don’t have to suffer! Cold-Eeze quickmelts can help you get over any cold faster and help with any symptoms as well!
5. The final stage…hydrationÂ
Let’s get real, the best part of finals week is when it’s over. Whether you’re hydrating with Dunkin, water, or maybe you’re taking the Liquid Courage route and praying for the best on that final you never studied for, we don’t judge! Sorel has some killer reuable bottles that keep your liquids of any kind hot or cold!
Thanks again HC for our fab finals goodies!
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*Her Campus and Seton Hall University do not endorse underage drinking.Â