Name: Sara Kukafka
Year: Senior, but a first year grad student (3+3 dual degree)
Hometown: Bethpage, NY
Major: Occupational Therapy
Hobbies/activities/interests: I love running, practicing yoga, adventuring, reading, camp, volunteering, traveling, and watching Grey’s Anatomy or AHS. I’m involved in Alpha Gamma Delta, D.O.V.E, and the Student Occupational Therapy Association.
Relationship status: Alpha Sig Sweetheart!
Celeb crush: David Beckham
Her Campus (HC) : Why did you choose your major?
Sara Kukafka (SK): I love being active and working with kids. This is a job that allows me to do both every day. I will be able to incorporate some of my hobbies, like yoga, and all sorts of things from camp. It also gives me the chance to inspire my clients every day and I think that’s so important.Â
HC: What is the most rewarding part?
SK: I used to volunteer at a horse farm that had programs for children with disabilities. One of the little boys had Cerebral Palsy and he was always in his stroller, he could not talk and rarely showed facial expression. One of the most rewarding experiences of my life this far was when he smiled and laughed during his therapy sessions. I helped to bring that happiness to him and there is no better feeling than that.
HC: Tell us about your service trips/ how you give back?
SK: Last year during spring break I went to Santa Tecla, El Salvador with D.O.V.E at Seton Hall University. I felt so lucky to be picked for this trip but I never guessed how much it would impact me. I was assigned to work at the children’s day care, each day we went to a different room and taught the kids English at a level that we thought they would understand, and the older children math. All of the kids called me “Sarita” and would yell it when I walked into the room, it warmed my heart every time. We also helped to cook and serve the food to the kids, there were babies there that we helped to hand feed. They were so understaffed at this location, it’s incredible what some people accomplish in one day simply because they have no other choice. This is something that gives me strength every day when I feel like I can’t handle my work load. When we left this site on the final day it was an extremely sad farewell because we came to love these children and the teachers at the location. Even though we couldn’t communicate with them fully we still shared laughs and smiles that were more meaningful than words.
HC: What made you want to participate in them?
SK: My mom always taught me to help people and has set an incredible example for me to be a kind hearted and giving person. I also have a few friends that had previously went on trips with D.O.V.E and I always heard how touching they were. I love to travel, so it seemed like a great experience to share my love of helping overs in another location.
HC: Why should people give back to their community?        Â
SK: People should give back to their community because it is where you live and just as you need your community, your community needs you. Your community, no matter where you live has people that are struggling and it’s not always financially.
HC: What are some easy ways to get involved in giving back?
SK: I’m a big advocator for D.O.V.E because they have weekly events and you can sign up to go one time or you can become a consistent volunteer and go every week. Every time you give back it doesn’t have to be a big huge event, it can be something as simple as smiling at the people you walk passed because everyone needs someone to remind them life is good.
HC: What has your fav experience been while volunteering/travelling?            Â
SK: My most recent traveling experience was to Israel via Taglit Birthright this past August! We got to spend time in Tel Aviv and experience historical and religious locations throughout Jerusalem, amongst many other location. I really felt like I connected with my families roots on this trip. We even visited the Israeli- Syrian border, this helped me to learn more about the conflicts in the Middle East which has become super relevant considering all of the recent attacks.